Insanity/January Challange

:happy: Hey guys are any of you doing the Insanity workout on the beach body program? I am and I have tried it a few times but kept quitting but this is a new year and a year for change so I am Doing it again and I am on day 2 I also finished day 2 of my January challange thanks to my fit coach Heather. If any of you guys doing this and would like support add me. I also have a vlog on youtube I feel it will help me and other people going through the same workouts.

Let me know if you like to do this challange:

Jan 3- 12 push ups
20 squats
20 crunches

Jan 4- 60 star jumps / look on youtube if you dont know what that is
25 lunges
30sec side plank

Jan 5- 15 push ups
30 squats
30 crunches


Jan 7- 30 sit-ups
30 planks
30 lunges

Jan 8- 19 pushups
70 star jumps
35sec planks

Jan 9- 35 situps
35 lunges
35 squats

Jan10- 22 push ups
40 Crunches
35 sec side planks

Jan11- 80 Star Jumps
40 Squats
40 situps

Jan12- 25 pushups
40 lunges
40sec planks


Jan14- 90 star jumps
50 crunches
40sec side plank

Jan15- 27 pushups
50 squats
45sec plank

Jan16- 50 situps
50 lunges
90 star jumps

Jan17- 30 pushups
100 star jumps
60 crunches

Jan18- 60 lunges
60 squats
50sec plank

Jan19- 34 pushups
60 situps
50 sec side plank


Jan21- 65 crunches
115 star jumps
60sec plank

Jan22- 38 pushups
65 lunges
65 squats

Jan23- 70 situps
70 squats
70sec side plank

Jan24- 40 pushups & my Birthday :)
130 star jumps
75 lunges

Jan25- 80 squats
80 crunches
80sec plank

Jan26- 45 pushups
85 squats
85 lunges

Jan27- 90 situps
150 star jumps
90sec side planks

Jan28- 50 pushups
100 crunches
100sec plank

Jan29- 100 lunges
170 star jumps
110sec side plank

Jan30- 100 situps
100 squats
100 crunches

Jan31- 60 pushups
200 star jumps
120sec planks
I know you guys can do it let me know each day you did it and how you did!
