GF and Diabetic Diet and trying to lose weight??

I was recently diagnosed with diabetes. I am already managing with celiac's and I am stuggling with what to prepare for dinners for the family that I can eat. High protein, lower fat, no grains and only fiber from veggies and some fruit. So frustrated. Help!


  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    Proteins: fish, lean beef, chicken, turkey, etc.
    Carbs: potatoes? Can you eat rice? If so, brown rice might be good. Lots of veggies. Fruit. If you can eat oatmeal, fruit crisps are good desserts.
    Fats....don't fret these, but nuts and oily fish will provide what you need.
  • fatladysings72
    I can eat brown rice and potatoes and corn. No oatmeal, flax, wheat, or rye. I can do buckwheat and quinoa. But right now I am trying to avoid most carbs since my sugar is very high and I am trying to get it down quickly and lose weight. I am also allergic to sunflower oil and seeds, zucchini, basil, milk and of course wheat.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Find out if your insurance company will cover a visit to a dietician. They can help you with recipes and customizing your meal plans.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    look at

    its a great site
  • fatladysings72
    look at

    its a great site

    Thank you I will.
  • fatladysings72
    Find out if your insurance company will cover a visit to a dietician. They can help you with recipes and customizing your meal plans.

    No insurance but I am meeting with a nutrionist in a week and a half to see if she can help me lay out a meal plan.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Find out if your insurance company will cover a visit to a dietician. They can help you with recipes and customizing your meal plans.

    No insurance but I am meeting with a nutrionist in a week and a half to see if she can help me lay out a meal plan.

    Sounds good. Best of luck to you. My mom has Celiac's disease also (not diabetes though), and it's difficult for her to eat out and cook as well. I know she has a dietician who has helped her a lot though.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I definitely recommend seeing a dietician it will help. I had gestational diabetes and went to see one and she gave me a whole packet plus meal plans to help me and to give ideas and my family including my husband and son ate the meals and were very satisfied plus the snacks. They loved yogurt. light yogurt especially walmart light yogurt is only 1 carb not sure what you can eat and not eat but talk to your doctor about a referral. I am surprised you have not been referred we have a great diabetes center where we live. Even though my sugar went back to normal after delivery I still follow the diet today and it helped me get the baby weight off and then some so far. good luck.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I am gluten free and was borderline diabetic and had high blood pressure. I now am at goal weight and have great numbers for sugar , cholesterol, etc. Check out my food diary.
    Breakfast :eggwhites and veggies
    Lunch Salad and 2 oz lean meat
    Dinner 4oz lean meat and 2cups of veggies
    Snacks: gluten free protein bar, greek yogurt, rice cake and peanut butter,

    I eat oatmeal and flax for breakfast and am not certain why you cannot have these.
    I do not eat bread, potatoes, rice , or wheat except for a sweet potato once a week.Nor do I eat corn, peas or high carb veggies
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    Find out if your insurance company will cover a visit to a dietician. They can help you with recipes and customizing your meal plans.

    No insurance but I am meeting with a nutrionist in a week and a half to see if she can help me lay out a meal plan.

    Forget the nutritionist. Go here: Ask about VLCHF diabetic diet. It saved my life.. is along the lines of a low carb diet specifically for diabetics. I've been on this for 3 and a half months and have already lost 42 pounds.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I'm diabetic and also have intolerances to wheat, corn, soy, shellfish and peanuts. Thank God, I don't have one to poor thing!

    My diary is open if you'd like some ideas.
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    not sure...but I would think chicken or beef fajitas would fit in your list. And if you cant have them on the tortilla put them on brown fried rice. This is what I had for supper tonight!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    My hubby is allergic to wheat and my granddaughter is celiac. As long as you cook from scratch there should be no issue. Meat, potatoes or rice and a vegetable. You can do portion control for yourself and let the rest eat as they will. I don't do recipes, casseroles or prepackaged food. I just use the KISS method and we all get along fine. We don't buy the gluten free products as substitutes because most of them taste like crap, are expensive and are usually higher in calories than the regular products.

    90% of your weight loss will come from your diet. Regardless of what you can eat just stay in budget.
  • fatladysings72
    I eat oatmeal and flax for breakfast and am not certain why you cannot have these.

    Not all celiac's can handle oatmeal. It has a certain amount of gluten in it. Some do fine. Others not so much. And the flax is very beneficial for most but again for some the flax seeds are too rough on the digestive tract. That is why I can't handle either of those.
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm a diabetic. My diary is open. Feel free to look at it and see if it helps. Also, feel free to message me or friend me with any questions. Good luck!!
  • fatladysings72
    Thank you all so much. I will look into all of your suggestions as I have been dealing with The Celiac's for many years now but adding the whole diabetic thing is too much for my crazy mind. lol One thing for sure it is time to lose weight!!! NO DOUBT!
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I'm type one diabetic and my partner is gluten-free, so I feel your pain! You'll see some gluten snacks in my diary, but I'm trying to go back to lower carb as well, because my blood sugar has been crap lately. My diary is open- feel free to persuse my meals, although don't judge my holiday madness! ;)

    I learned a ton from the forums at the people are awesome.

    And the most helpful book I ever read when I was first diabetic was Dr. Bernsteins Diabetes solution. I can't be happy eating quite as low-carb as he recommends, but he really helps you understand. I'm not sure your reasons for eating low-fat, but if it's just the traditional "diabetics and heart disease" thing, i would re-think it if you're going to eat low-carb.

    You really can do this. It's overwhelming, but you will learn a lot, and we are all here to help! High blood sugar also makes you feel depressed, so just stick with it and you will feel so much better.
  • fatladysings72
    I'm type one diabetic and my partner is gluten-free, so I feel your pain! You'll see some gluten snacks in my diary, but I'm trying to go back to lower carb as well, because my blood sugar has been crap lately. My diary is open- feel free to persuse my meals, although don't judge my holiday madness! ;)

    I learned a ton from the forums at the people are awesome.

    And the most helpful book I ever read when I was first diabetic was Dr. Bernsteins Diabetes solution. I can't be happy eating quite as low-carb as he recommends, but he really helps you understand. I'm not sure your reasons for eating low-fat, but if it's just the traditional "diabetics and heart disease" thing, i would re-think it if you're going to eat low-carb.

    You really can do this. It's overwhelming, but you will learn a lot, and we are all here to help! High blood sugar also makes you feel depressed, so just stick with it and you will feel so much better.

    Thanks so much! You just made me feel so much better. It is overwhelming and I am tired of being frustrated with it. The only reason I wanted to do lower fat... not low fat is because I am trying to lose weight quickly. That's the only reason.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Fat doesn't make you fat. Your body needs fats to operate properly, just work them into your budget. Fats will help to keep you satiated.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Fat doesn't make you fat. Your body needs fats to operate properly, just work them into your budget. Fats will help to keep you satiated.

    ^^This. Stick with healthy fats if you're worried about it (olive oil, avocados, nuts, etc.), and make sure it fits into your calories. I've cut a lot of grain products out purely for personal reasons, and if you just eat veggies and lean meat all day, it's actually pretty hard to hit higher calories (well, unless you eat a ton of food). I've added in things like avocados to my salads, homemade dressing with olive oil, and peanut butter on a spoon.