Question For The Ladies - I Need Help!

OK so this is my first real PMS week while on MFP. OH-EM-GEE this is not fun lol.

I'm cool eating pretty much the same thing every morning. It works within the structure that I have! I was doing so good too until this week...I've been soooooooooooooo hungry! I can't explain it other than the PMS! Another thing I've noticed is that I can do an entire day without going to the bathroom. I'm talking 4 cups of water and a tea and NOTHING. What up with that?

So ladies, if you could please provide some of your PMS tips and strategies, I would appreciate it. Before joining mfp I would always just write this week off and it was NOT PRETTY, so I need to get a hold of this - stat!


  • imcanadianangel
    imcanadianangel Posts: 40 Member
    Can't help you there as I don't get them with out meds But I would try something more filling and if you are worried about water and not peeing try cranberry juice it help make Kidneys function better!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I really think our bodies burn more calories while PMSing as our bodies are working harder to contract muscles and rid of the "waste".

    Its just a theory right now, though. Have to do more research!
  • Rebecca__Lynn
    I don't have the "woman fairy" visit me anymore...but I'm totally getting the total hungries going on....I feel like I'm having to eat constantly.....My hub says it's because I'm exercising and my metabolism it really up requiring more calories to work...which makes total sense...which is why they add those exercise calories on to your normal minimum...because you do need to increase your calories eaten when you're exercising. I wasn't doing that at first. Make COMPLETE sense now, because I feel it. You started about when I did, in you're prob having the same effects and it may not even be PMS related. Just some thoughts....I've really had to think harder about how to pack my lunch and snacks in the morning to get more things in there that are healthy, but keep the calories low....
  • queensara2478
    I too suffer from uncontrollable hunger during PMS week! What I try to do is increase my activity level slightly to accomadate for the extra calories I'm consuming. I also try my best to select filling healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables to snack on however this doesn't always work =). I've noticed since keeping track that I either don't lose during this time or I might gain a pound but the following week when I'm back on track I lose at least 2 to 3 pounds.
    Good luck! It's a part of life I have personally decided is easier just to go with it instead of trying to fight it. lol.
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    You poor thing..sounds like you may have some serious water retention happening. Let me give you my best piece of "lady time" advice:


    As far as PMS hunger goes...I have no advice. If you look at my food diary for last week, you will see that I lost that battle quite handily. It's hard. I would say...when you feel the urge to eat something, stop and think about if for a minute or so, while slowly drinking a big glass of water. Assess the urge, and quantify it. What is it that you want? Major chocolate craving? Get some high quality dark chocolate and slowly, s l o w l y savor it. Want salt? Get a pickle, and again, eat it slowly. Worst case...if you're like me and you want chocolate and salt at the same time...melt that dark chocolate square, grab a handful of pretzels, and dip.

    I don't know if any of that is any good to you, but it's what I've got.
  • 2bskinnyagain1978
    I take an over the counter water pill they have them at walmart it helps me with my bloat.. fatigue and water gain but u must drink lots of water u shouldn't have a problem peeing after two fo them.. and I am also suffering from pms and have allwoed myslef to succum to those tantlizing cadburry mini eggs I so love ..and today is my weekly cheat day so i plan on going over my calories but it helps me keep on track to allow myself 1 day of splurging.. good luck ..
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    If all you're drinking is 4 glasses of water (8 oz each?) then that's not enough and your body is hoarding water; even worse since it's that time of the month. You should be drinking at least half your weight in oz of water per day. More if you work out and/or eat excess sodium.

    And totall agree with mrsbeck - DON'T WEIGH YOURSELF DURING THIS WEEK! The bloating/water retention won't give you a true picture of your weight loss. And don't do it immediately afterwards; give yourself at least 3 days after for your body to let go of the excess water to get a clear picture of your weight.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    yup, dont weigh yourself this week at all, wait until a few days after your period.
    Keep tea & water around and drink constantly to help combat water retention & hunger
    keep plenty of healthy snacks on hand because you're gonna need them! popcorn is a good filler, add a little salt and a packet of stevia for a kettlecorn taste that will satisfy your salty/sweet cravings without killing your calories.
    and again DO NOT WEIGH IN! you will not be happy with the numbers, its not unusual to gain a pound around TOM.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I really think our bodies burn more calories while PMSing as our bodies are working harder to contract muscles and rid of the "waste".

    Its just a theory right now, though. Have to do more research!

    You are correct, that is why we are more hungry during that time. Also, I think our bodies burn upwards of an extra 500 or 700 calories during the PMS time.................
  • shrinkingbum
    I really think our bodies burn more calories while PMSing as our bodies are working harder to contract muscles and rid of the "waste".

    Its just a theory right now, though. Have to do more research!

    You are correct, that is why we are more hungry during that time. Also, I think our bodies burn upwards of an extra 500 or 700 calories during the PMS time.................
  • shrinkingbum
    finally! something good about PMS..... lol.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Thank you ALL for the advice! Just to clarify, I drink way more than 4 cups of water a's just that's my routine consumption during the work day and I'm usually in the washroom 2-3 time a day. Now that I'm PMS'ing, I'm not having to go as much. Thought that was weird!

    I weigh in on Saturdays and I'm going to consider skipping this week but it'll be tough! I start my TOM on Monday, so I'll have a good 4 days before my next weigh in.

    I've lost weight before and DO remember the PMS weeks were tough, small losses if not gains. Having kids seems to have changed my PMSing on top of everything else.

    Love this site because it puts so many people together that you're bound to find people who are experiencing similar issues :)
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    I really think our bodies burn more calories while PMSing as our bodies are working harder to contract muscles and rid of the "waste".

    Its just a theory right now, though. Have to do more research!

    You are correct, that is why we are more hungry during that time. Also, I think our bodies burn upwards of an extra 500 or 700 calories during the PMS time.................

    Oh, please, please, please let that be true!!! :laugh: If that's the case, I didn't sabotage myself quite as badly as I thought I did last week! Don't get me wrong, it'll still be a bad week, nutrition-wise, but it won't be Armaggeddon!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I find that if I ovulate in a cycle (I don't always anymore as I am in perimenapause) that I am more hungry.

    If you happen to drink diet soda/pop or consume "diet" foods or drinks try to avoid them There is something about them that retains water.

    Last, Celestial Seasons, Raspberry or Lemon Zinger, tends to be a great diuretic tea.

    Good Luck!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I find that if I ovulate in a cycle (I don't always anymore as I am in perimenapause) that I am more hungry.

    If you happen to drink diet soda/pop or consume "diet" foods or drinks try to avoid them There is something about them that retains water.

    Last, Celestial Seasons, Raspberry or Lemon Zinger, tends to be a great diuretic tea.

    Good Luck!

    mmm I havent had lemon zinger in a long time, my mom used to make it for me all the time and pop 2-3 frozen strawberries in to cool it off. yum!
  • mama22girlz
    TOD is on his way to my house soon also. And this week I've really been wanting salt, I've eaten alot of pretzles... still staying under my calories but I know my sodium intake is probably through the roof... Darn that TOD
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member


    Explains the high metabolism and need for chocolate cake and chips!!! LOL
  • Chicki1975
    KarmasBFF - that atricle is great!

    For me its not so much my PMS but my the actual week that I feel the desire to eat everything in sight! I have been briniging bottles of water with the Crystal Light flavoring in it (already prepared) and when i get a craving, i down a bottle. Not as satisfying as say a bowl of rippled potato chips and vineagar but it helps :) What has been thrown me off is that I have been getting my monthly visits early (guess its the effect of the weight loss and exercise on my system).
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am just happy that I made it through my first TOD since I started and still made it to the gym. That was my biggest worry. I did the mistake and weighed myself and it was discouraging. I did find eating small snacks through out the day of fruit, nuts or cheese really help with the cravings for fries and chocolate cake.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    KarmasBFF - that atricle is great!

    For me its not so much my PMS but my the actual week that I feel the desire to eat everything in sight! I have been briniging bottles of water with the Crystal Light flavoring in it (already prepared) and when i get a craving, i down a bottle. Not as satisfying as say a bowl of rippled potato chips and vineagar but it helps :) What has been thrown me off is that I have been getting my monthly visits early (guess its the effect of the weight loss and exercise on my system).

    I loved the article too! Just as much as I love rippled chips and vinegar! LOL