Post holiday motivation

I am Finding it hard to get back on track. I haven't weighed myself since before Christmas and am terrified to step on the scale. This happens every time I try to lose weight and I can't let it happen again. Any motivation secrets out there? What do you do in a rut?


  • YvLess
    YvLess Posts: 8 Member
    Being scare of gaining weigth will not help you taking action. But find the true reason why you want to do this, and your motivation will come easier after. And if it is realy important to you, you'll take action and reach your goal. Good luck!
  • jeanneisfat
    Step on the scale, really! It will help you get motivated. Sadly I did what many do at the end of the year and say, I'll eat this or that and start new in 2013 eating healthy. Well two days in and I feel like crap, eating chips, dip, and soda! I stepped on the scale and noticed in the last week and a half I gained 5lbs!!! I went out and bought more fruits and veggies to have on hand, if I don't have chips in the house I'll be more apt to munch on carrots, etc. You can do it, we can do it... Just remember it's a new year, a new you and you are the only one in charge of yourself. Step on the scale but do it knowing that no matter what it says, you are fabulous and we all fall down once in a while.
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    I just have to pick a day to face I can't get motivated about my progress unless I know where I am starting.
  • amandattown
    amandattown Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I got back to the gym yesterday and am tracking again. I decided that Sunday I will get on the scale. It really helps just having an outlet for these thoughts and motivation from other people, so thank you!