Obsessed with Food

I think I might be obsessed food....

I think about it constantly and I don't think that is normal. I know what I should and shouldn't be eating but still make the wrong food choices! I even hide wrappers or eat when noone is around so that people don't know I've eaten junk food or I justify it to myself that when noone is around the calories don't count! WTF?!

I use food as a comfort, when I'm happy I eat, sad I eat, emotional i eat, stressed I eat. How on earth do I stop this???

When I was little my Mum could never afford junk food (we never starved though ) and I remember when I got my first job and being able to buy take away/chocolates was such a thrill - I wonder if my obsession has started from that?

Anyone have the same issues? I have 20kgs to lose and I really want ot get there before my wedding day!

Thanks :)



  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Would be worth making an appointment with your doctor, there are many forms of disordered eating.
  • fysty75
    fysty75 Posts: 88 Member
    I too am obsessed with food. I have no advice right now. Just letting you know you're not alone.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Sounds like an obsession, if not an eating disorder. I'd go to a doctor. They'd give you the best advice
  • sensitivegirl
    sensitivegirl Posts: 15 Member
    You are definately not alone. I use food for comfort as well (though after eating too much I end up feeling UNcomfortable)!

    I found a book that gave me a few ideas and some inspiration. It might help you too. It's called "Life is Hard, Food is Easy" and is written by Linda Spangle. I am almost finished reading it and it has given me lots to think about, as well as some tools to use.
  • cmdoiy
    cmdoiy Posts: 122 Member
    I am also obsessed with food. I'm always wondering what I'm going to eat next. Like you, I also hide food wrappers so that no one else knows just how much I eat when I'm alone.

    Unfortunately, I don't know what the solution is. I do know, though, that it helps if I stop and check in with myself on how I'm really feeling. After doing that, I usually don't want the food anymore.

    In the past few days I've cut back significantly on junk and fast food. I have found that my cravings for it have gone down a lot.
  • I am obsessed with food. I can't stop thinking about food. Today I am thinking about the Vanilla ice cream in my freezer and adding a banana and choc top to it. Since I opened the freezer at 9am and saw the ice cream all I want to do is go and eat it.
    I've eaten healthy all day and I'm not hungry but all I can think about is that ice cream. Tomorrow it may be my husband's potato chips or the coke in the fridge but some kind of food will consume my mind until I go and eat it

    I've tried to go and exercise to forget, it works while I'm at the gym but as soon as I get into the car BAM it's back in my head. Keeping busy works for a while until I stop and BAM it's back. Even while I'm eating all I can think about is the food I should avoid.

    I hide food in the cupboards so my husband doesn't see it, I stay awake for hours after people have gone to bed just so I can eat. And once I've eaten what I shouldn't I get upset and cry then eat more to feel better then get more upset and cry more and the pattern goes on day after day

    My GP says I'm a binge eater and his solution was to go on Duromine but I refuse. Taking a pill isn't going to teach my mind to eat healthy, it's just setting me up for failure. A girl friend of mine suggested hypnotherapy so I'm currently looking into that because I'm never going to succeed unless I can get my mind on the same page.
  • aksunshine
    aksunshine Posts: 62 Member
    I'm also obsessed with food. I find what has worked for me is logging my food and keeping my calorie count at a maintainable level. If I try the 1200 per day, I seem to binge or not stick with it. Right now I'm at 1600 and I'm able to keep my eating under control. And I allow myself to eat. I love food, so I have to diligently keep track - or watch what I eat.
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    This sounds all but too familiar! My mom is a health freak. I don't want to put the blame on her, but her making junk food a taboo only made me crave it more. So when I started to make my own money I bought all the junk food imaginable. I too would hide the garbage. I went to the extent of disposing some of it in public trash cans.
    I never knew how to make healthy food taste good, but thanks to the internet I can now do that. Try looking up some recipes and snacks that are healthy and help you stay full. Also drinking water and finding something else to do like reading a book when hungry helps too.