Hi - any one Gluten Free???

I've always been a skinny person, but now that I'm over 50 and had significant back issues, the weight has just jumped on me. I don't eat junk food, I've been gluten free over 9 years now and I'm a vegetarian. I tried weight watchers and didn't lose anything, the only thing they could come up with was I don't eat enough and I wasn't willing to eat a 'cookie' to get my points up!
So any advice is greatly appreciated. I do eat dairy products and I'll eat fish from time to time. I truly hate soy though (and I've tried).
I have osteoporosis and have been dealing with significant pain issues the past 9 months, they are now somewhat under control right now (acupuncture and manipulative therapy, I refuse to use the drugs!) but it does indeed limit the amount and type of exercise I can do.
I have a couple of dogs, one is a border collie that I am doing agility with and I do walk a couple of times per week.
Thanks and wish me luck, I'd like to take off about 30 pounds at this point, and if nothing else, not gain anything else.


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Why do you feel the only way you can up you calories is with a cookie? You can eat ANYTHING and it'll up your calories so just choose something healthy if you want to eat cleanly.
  • I have severe Celiac disease so I'm gluten free as well. I find that instead of the cookie, I'll eat a spoonful of peanut butter or I'll eat a bowl of Chex with a bit of brown sugar and Craisins. I also have a Border Collie and I find walking him to be the best exercise, and my mom has osteoporosis as well, and she's always sworn that no matter how much pain she's in, she walks him 15 minutes every morning and she feels pretty good for the rest of the day!

    Feel free to add me, I'd love to talk to someone who's gluten free on here :)
  • GFAndrea
    GFAndrea Posts: 7 Member
    I think the cookie reference is Weight Watchers not be educated and pushing their products (cookies).
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    As ohheyitsfelic said peanut butter is a good booster along with sliced apple or other dipping fruit with natural fruit sugars.
    My mom is Celiac and also is a member of mfp, think she lost around 27 lbs on here.
  • wannabtight
    wannabtight Posts: 187 Member
    Hi, I am gluten free and have 36 lbs to lose and I want to lose every single one of them! I gained them all within one year between having a chronic illness and anti-depressants I was on. I had surgery 3 weeks ago so am very limited to any exercise and have to watch my diet very carefully. Please help me feel full! 1400 calories is nothing...
  • Thank you all, I was only using the cookie reference because I was on the 'points plus' and almost everything I ate did not count! I"m not a cookie person, although those GF choco chips ones from Trader Joe's are to die for !

    Anyway, thanks a lot for all the replies, I already feel better about this than weight watchers, WW made me horribly obsessed with food and I'm just not that person (some live to eat, some eat to live).