Getting ready to get married

Hello everyone, I'm trying this fitness pal thing for a second time. I'm getting married in just over a year and I don't want to be a fat bride. I refuse to get married the size I am now and have to look at myself in wedding photos for years to come. I know this is going to be an up hill battle as I have very little will power when it comes to food.

Good luck to everyone on here and I hope you meet your goals



  • chachylove
    chachylove Posts: 15 Member
    hey there,
    im getting married as well but in july, this is also my second time on mfp. being my 2nd time getting married and i learned from my first wedding that the pics are all you walk away with at the end of the day so the way i look for them really gets me to want to lose the weight. im the type of person(lol i feel) that i take 50% good pics and 50%horibble ones and on that day there is no hiding from the cameras, youll be the center of attention. i also learned that putting the extra money into the pics are totally worth it so since i am i wanna look good. i know i wont have the body i want by then but hopefully i can get to a comfortable weight. best of luck with your weight loss and planning. try not to get stressed out over things, youll have enough on your plate.
  • Hi girls, i have just been through the same thing last year when i got married in May. I managed to reach my goal for wedding pictures with a lot of dedication and hard work. I found small changes made a big difference. When i did it i cut out bad carbs and upped the protein a little which in turned helped me drop fat, i did not cut them out completely i just switched to wholegrain which seemed to keep me a lot fuller. Hope this can be of some use to you both. Good luck :)
  • Cheers girls. The wedding photos are the only bit I'm worried out. Don't want to look like a whale in em. Plus my brides Maids are all stick thin so I need to get my large bum in gear and quickly argh
  • Violetta86
    Violetta86 Posts: 150 Member
    I am getting married in October 2014. Taking engagement photos fall this year though. I want to look great by then! We've got this. Good luck!
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    I'm getting married March 2014- Refuse to be a fat bride. 50lbs down.
  • Good luck ladies. Under a week in and I'm already down 6lbs. Time is on our side