Need major support... total changes necessary



  • Camcee
    Camcee Posts: 9 Member
    Genuine question, if you won't listen to your doctors, why would you listen to me?

    This is a valid point however I feel the OP needs a little more friendly support from people going through the same struggles who can regularly encourage him and provide advice from personal experience. Doctors can't always provide this. I guess we all need this as human beings. We all know the facts, the data, the 'right thing' to do, however people still struggle to lose weight. Actually, I don't think we struggle to lose weight - that is the easy part - we struggle with sticking to the behaviors that ensure we lose weight (eating smaller portions, staying away from comfort foods, exercising regularly).

    I believe, for me anyway, the key is to fire off the reward centers in our brain with things other than food. Very hard to do but as eating for comfort was a learned behavior, so can rewarding ourselves with other things in life be learned, we can learn new things all the time, we just have to have faith and believe we can do it. As many others have said, a great way is starting with small changes. No one came out of the womb and ordered a triple cheeseburger, large fries and a coke! The portions increased over time and the taste of certain favorite foods was acquired over time, many people have their 'vice' food. How did this happen? Most probably gradually and in response to the reward center that was activated when these foods were eaten. I really believe you can do this Chris, you have to believe it too - remember what you have learned already, the behaviors were just that - behaviors and you CAN learn new behaviors, all humans can.

    All the best to you, you can do it!
  • Kbussepl
    Kbussepl Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome to the site. It's a great place to keep control and really see what you're eating.
    As people have previously stated, start slow and go with REALISTIC goals. There is nothing worse than setting a goal that is unattainable and then feeling like a failure, and I'm speaking from experience.
    Keep strong, and never forget why you decided to join this site and give it your all.

    Good luck :)
  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    I agree that you need to start out small, or you will just get fed up and quit. There is a binge eating support group in the "groups" section that I think you will find helpful. I have problems with rewarding myself with food, and I find the monthly binge challenge motivating. Also, having supportive friends on MFP to cheer you and encourage you is key. Feel free to add me for support and encouragement! :smile:
  • Stogie40
    Stogie40 Posts: 164 Member
    Don't give up. I had doctors say I couldn't do it too, that was a year and half ago and over 140lbs ago. I finally decided my two girls are well worth the change. It sucks eating healthy, but it's so worth it, and after awhile it sucks less. I can't do much exercise at all due to some health issues so all the weight I lost was due to eating healthy. You can do it.
  • karrieamandakeeps
    Your story really speaks to me. I want to say congrats to you because obliviously like the rest of us, you would not be here on the board if you weren't concerned for your health and weight. Heres a little bit from my past: I was 16 and seriously overweight, I was being tormented on a daily basis at school. People made mooing cow sounds as I would walk down the hallway. The other students would kick my desk and tell me to move because they were saving that seat for someone...then they would say "Awww come on big girl, if you'll move Ill buy you a cheeseburger" I was badly depressed & needed help so much. I went with my mom, who wanted to lose weight as well, to Healthy Weigh & to a doctors appointment. Her health was spiraling out of control and we both needed help fast. Healthy Weigh rejected me because I was not 18 at the time. As my mom was finishing her assessment. I looked to the mirrors they had on the walls. The sight was horrendous. It was like really seeing myself for the first time. I had became a disaster. I saw the fat spilling over, I saw the cellulite. I saw everything that day and I knew I had to do something. Back to the Healthy Weigh center, well my Mom said if I couldn't join, she wouldn't either. We teamed up and I went on to lose 100lbs & 50 for her. Of course life happens and I'm overweight right now but its no where the horror I put my body through back then. I have a food allergy & lactose intolerance and it has really put a damper on my figure. I just want to say don't let any doctor make you feel like a lost cause. Don't let anyone tell you its pointless to lose weight. You are still living and have those that love you and need you. Stick with a plan, and make changes each day. Make changes your body will thank you for. Good Luck, and if you need to chat I'm here!