Please help me

Like thousands of other people, my New Years resolution is to loose weight. Here is my pattern...start- very motivated, two weeks later - looking for excusses not to have to work out, three weeks later - no longer working out. I am looking for people to help motivate me and encourage. Please add me. I need all the help I can get. Thanks everyone.


  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Don't start by starting working out. Start by changing your diet. Log everything you eat, see what you're eating, making some changes, give yourself some time to adjust to those changes (a month, maybe?) and THEN start working out. Weight loss isn't just about exercise. Abs are made in the kitchen. Fix your diet, fix your weight. Exercise just helps you look hot naked. :happy:
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    Make small goals to start with. If you start out with a big number of LBs to lose you'll get overwhelmed and discouraged. Start with at least 5 lbs and go from there. When you change your diet and stick within a calorie goal, those 5 pounds will come off in no time!
  • I understand. I'll be there to help kick your butt if you'll be there to help kick mine. :)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Lots of articles about this out there right now. I read somewhere (I think it was Self Magazine?) that it takes 18 days to form a habit. Make it a goal to yourself to workout every day (or 6 days, then rest, then 6 days, rest, etc.) for 18 days straight. After that, it should become easier to just get up and do it. Doing it at the same time every day helps a lot too, because eventually it will become natural to be working out at that time. I start work early so I work out as soon as I get home from work. I do DVDs or run outside or go to ballet class.

    Although getting a good workout schedule started helps with losing weight, more importantly is your diet. Set your calorie goals on myfitnesspal to a healthy and reasonable weight loss per week and force yourself to stick to that goal for 18 days. Again, it should be easier to do it after that. If I am going out to dinner or for drinks I try to stay within my calorie goals, but it's not a big deal if I don't. Just get right back at it the next day. Just make sure you have more days that are within your calorie goal than over it.

    Everyone can make excuses. Sometimes it helps to think about people that work more hours than me, have kids, other responsibilities, and STILL make it a priority to work out every day. If they can do it, there is really no reason that I can't. You can do this!
  • Trophy wife is sooo right on this. The best workout plans can be totally sabotaged by a lousy diet. Plan your meals so you aren't faced with temptation. And log, log, log.
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    Don't start by starting working out. Start by changing your diet. Log everything you eat, see what you're eating, making some changes, give yourself some time to adjust to those changes (a month, maybe?) and THEN start working out. Weight loss isn't just about exercise. Abs are made in the kitchen. Fix your diet, fix your weight. Exercise just helps you look hot naked. :happy:

    ^^ yes!!

    Also make little changes - walk instead of driving, take a walk round the block, run up the stairs instead of walking.

    I managed to lose around a stone just eating better, then I decided I was serious about weight loss and figured the more calories I burn the more food I can eat :) and that motivated me to do some more considered exercise. But even then it was walking to work rather than taking the bus.

    It's better to make small changes that you'll stick to that try and make huge changes that you'll give up on. And most of all BE POSITIVE!! You can actually do this :)
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    You can do this and stick to it, you just have to a) want it bad enough to be your OWN motivation, b) set realistic goals and make an actual plan, c) establish a routine that you can stick to, and d) don't have the mindset of "perfection" or "failure".

    It's like you're on a roadtrip and right now you're at point A, trying to get to point B. If you eat a whole pizza or start getting lazy about going to the gym, don't think about it as "well now I have to start over, I'm back at point A, this is too hard, I give up!". Think about each unhealthy choice as just driving out of your way a little bit on your way to point B. You can easily get back on to the most direct path to point B without "starting over", just make more healthy choices than unhealthy ones.

    You also need to evaluate your previous attempts and detemine where you made missteps. If you've previously tried to set goals to run for an hour at the gym every day and have found that you can't keep it up, maybe try something new or make your goals more realistic... Join a kickboxing class once a week, or start strength training twice a week... try yoga... change it up and find out what types of exercise you enjoy so that you can get excited to go to the gym.

    You CAN do this. I'll add you and you can feel free to hit me up any time you have questions, want to vent, etc.