Hello Everyone

Not really new to MFP. I used the application in early 2012 and with doing some moderate exercise and cardio I manage to lose 18 lbs. Since that time, I have now gained 24 lbs and am at my heaviest. I feel out of shape and just had a birthday (44 now) so the "Remember when I was 30 and had 6% body fat and could almost bench twice my weight is consistently in my head." I have 3 young kids who are VERY active and I would just overall like to have more energy. I don't want to be the out-of-shape dad that just sits on the couch.

Anyway, I only have a few friends on this and could use some encouragement from time to time. I really don't want to fall off the eating right and exercise wagon in 2013. I would like to eat better and exercise on a more regular basis. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like encouragement as well. Thanks!!


  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well, I remember those days too. But now at 56, it is sooo much harder to lose weight. I fight for every pound, do yourself a favor and get healthy and stay that way.
  • Welcome back to My Fitness Pal, buddy :D