First post on MFP - 'hi'

:smile: Hi
I restarted my journey yesterday. A whole year gone to waste...but I will not dwell on that. Moving onwards and downwards here.
I#m a 42yr old, geeky mum of 3 from UK, need to get rid of around 40kg / 6st / 90lbs ish. my first milestone is to get to 99kg
I tried WW last year but this time I am sticking with calories (MFP) as I preferred this method in the past.
Looking for support buddies with similar goals.


  • maryannelk
    maryannelk Posts: 707 Member
    Hi! I started yesterday to and set my goal at 80 lbs. I did WW in the past as well, but thought I would give this a try this time too. (If nothing else, it's free!) Definitely agree that regret has no value. I'm 47, live in the US with my husband and a couple of dogs. I'll send a friend request!