Trying to lose weight ... again.

Hi! I'm Felicity and I'm nineteen. I'm currently in college, studying to be a social worker. I'm back at it, for what seems like the 100th time to try to lose weight. I've been on MFP multiple times in the past, but I just stop using it when I get a bit discouraged. This year, I'm back to lose the weight I gained during 2012.
I currently weigh 164 lbs, and my goal is to get down to 130 lbs.My motivation: I have congenital heart disease & I need to lose over 30 lbs to help my heart remain as strong as possible.

Feel free to add me, I love talking to and supporting others (hence why I'm school to be a social worker lol)!


  • Hey Felicity, I'm in the same boat as you, I"m weighing 165 or so and want to get down to 130!! :)