Daily Resolutions ~ Should I blog?

This year I have decided to approach the resolution concept from a different angle in hopes of being more successful. I have decided to make daily resolutions instead of yearly ones. Now I do have an ultimate goal of being in a better place at the end of 2013 than where I began (happier and healthier), but have decided to not restrict myself to only going about that in one way ie losing weight.
I know myself well enough to know that if I set a long term goal and I fall off, I am more likely to get discouraged and give up, but if I set a different goal each day and I don't succeed at one of them, I can always strive for something different the next.
The daily goal is set either each night before I go to sleep, or first thing in the morning before I get out of bed. I write it down in a journal and then record if it was met or not at the end of that day.
So far I am 2 for 2! All the goals are not centered around weight loss, but they are around improving my quality of life.
I am considering starting a blog about my progress in order to hold myself more accountable to continue throughout the year, but have never written a blog before, and am not sure anyone would be really interested. Your feedback is welcome, and if you would like to join me in this journey of 365 changes toward success, I would love to hear your story.
Happy New Year Everyone!