Pool Workouts

Hi Fellow Fitnesspals,

Does anyone use the pool for their exercising. I have been building up swimming laps (freestyle and breast stroke). Also doing some aqua jogging and water aerobics. I would love to chat with people that are trying to use this as a main exercise, how to increase my muscles and strength, as well as improve my swimming.

If anyone is interested in an ongoing dialogue, and supporting each other in this process, please answer this posting.

Thanks and have a great day.



  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Hello fellow swimmer! I too, use the pool as my main source of workouts. I have rheumatoid arthritis, so treadmills, ellipticals, and bikes are out of the question. I have been a competitive swimmer for 12 years, so my workouts consist of training for meets and endurance. I also do water aerobics classes and weight workouts in the pool. I can't lift weights in the regular gym, but I pretty much do the same routine in the water. So far, it has worked for me, although slowly.

    My best advice is to alternate your swim workouts with one day just swimming laps and one day warming up with some laps, but then focusing on weight/resistance training in the water. In order for lap swimming to be the most effective, you just have to keep swimming...even when you get tired. This will burn the most calories while building endurance. As for resistance/weight training, try to do these exercises in deep water while treading water. Remember, low weight and high reps.

    Losing weight in the pool is a slower process than treadmills, etc. Just be patient.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Thanks for your good advice. When I feel like I'm too fatigues to continue I will remember what you said about that being the time I will improve and burn fat ... that is a great motivator. My husband swims with me and he swims so fast and for so many more laps that my small improvements don't always feel as big as they are for me. I will start using the pool handweights and remember more reps, less weight.

    I look forward to more thoughts when you want to share them.

  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    LOL!!! It is kinda the same situation with me but reversed. My fiance swims with me as well, but I'm the one that will swim like a fish while he is lagging behind. At least I get him in the water!!!

    Just remember to listen to your body. There is no shame in taking a 10-20 second rest at the wall to catch your breath when you are really tired. Your muscles need oxygen to function properly and to avoid cramps. Just remember that though you are tired, keep swimming! Take no more than 30 seconds rest and even if you are barely moving through the water, just keep moving. This will keep your heartrate up allowing calories to burn. Also, don't worry about keeping up with your husband. Set a goal for yourself as to how many laps you want to swim in a certain amount of time and strive for that. You WILL notice that you will get stronger and faster. You might want to consider breaking up your lap swimming workouts with kicking and pulling laps. You can swim 3 laps freestyle and one lap breaststroke or vice versa. I am a IM swimmer and get bored SUPER easy if I had to swim all freestyle, so I always break up my workouts with stroke work.

    As for kicking and pulling work, you can kick with a kickboard or kick with a kickboard and fins to move faster through the water, but will absolutely BURN your butt and thighs! Pull work is done with a pull bouy (check out swimoutlet.com and search pull bouy to see what I mean). This will isolate your upper body. Though it may be slower, it will help you even out your strokes to get more air, allow you to swim longer, and clean up your technique to prevent injury. However, I DO NOT recommend using hand paddles just yet. These require excellent technique and if used improperly can lead to serious injury (I hurt myself pretty bad late last year like this).

    And finally....if you would like some already planned workouts that you can adjust to your liking and or times, try swimplan.com This site lets you pick and choose what you want to do, how long you want the workout to be, etc. Have fun and keep swimming!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    ok, don't laugh, but I swim using a snorkel and goggles. I don't worry about the breathing issue anymore because with the snorkel I can breathe deeply without surfacing (so to speak). I had hurt my neck a few years ago in an accident and this lets me swim better than without it. I usually do one lap of freestyle and then one of breast on the way back ... I guess they use different muscles and I am faster at freestyle and slower at breast so it gives me some recovery time and then I don't need time usually at the end in between laps. If I switch to trying to do freestyle laps in a row without switching out then I know I will need some rest in between. I have fins and have been thinking it was time to start using them again ... and yes, it burns the butt and thighs but it also is terrific.

    Isn't it fun seeing our men in bathing suits? I always tell my husband how much I enjoy that (men love to hear that anyway). And I like when he comes over before he leaves the pool to give me a kiss (and the other women wonder why is he with her ... ha ha ha, that's fun (since they are younger and slimmer.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    ok, don't laugh, but I swim using a snorkel and goggles. I don't worry about the breathing issue anymore because with the snorkel I can breathe deeply without surfacing (so to speak). I had hurt my neck a few years ago in an accident and this lets me swim better than without it. I usually do one lap of freestyle and then one of breast on the way back ... I guess they use different muscles and I am faster at freestyle and slower at breast so it gives me some recovery time and then I don't need time usually at the end in between laps. If I switch to trying to do freestyle laps in a row without switching out then I know I will need some rest in between. I have fins and have been thinking it was time to start using them again ... and yes, it burns the butt and thighs but it also is terrific.

    Isn't it fun seeing our men in bathing suits? I always tell my husband how much I enjoy that (men love to hear that anyway). And I like when he comes over before he leaves the pool to give me a kiss (and the other women wonder why is he with her ... ha ha ha, that's fun (since they are younger and slimmer.

    No worries! Using a snorkel is starting to become popular in the Masters' swimming community and at the college level. It allows for longer sets, controlled breathing, and better stroke work.

    I CANNOT get my fiance in a pair of Speedos. I did get him to wear jammers under his swim trunks (he claimed he needed *ahem* "support down there". I always get the looks from the skinny minnies too...he will kiss me before heading to the treadmills and I head to the pool. They look at this big, buff military guy and then see me (this short, stocky girl) and wonder why!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Good morning, hope you had a great weekend. Today I went to the pool ... had three days off because of a combination snow and the pool being closed on the weekend for a swim meet. I did what you suggested, when I was tired I pushed myself to go further, even if slowly. I did two more lengths for a total of 32. Within that I alternated again between freestyle and breast strokes but I did do three freestyle legnths in a row toward the end. I would like to build up my strength so I can do several freestyle in a row and at least I saw some progress that way today. Also, though this may sound strange, when I was walking back to the car after the exercise I noticed that while I still had a limp in my walk (from an accident a few years back that becomes more pronounced when the leg is tired) it was a faster limp ... so my walking speed is increasing. yahoo.

    How was your weekend? Your pool workouts? Now I am going to research how to keep my snorkel mask from fogging up.

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    During the winter I go to my local aquatic center and I do laps. I was going Monday evenings, but switching to Sunday afternoons. The best part of that workout is sitting in the sauna after my laps!
    I'm looking forward to the summer so I can do my own thing in my pool - I run laps, do high knees, jumping jacks, weight (yes, I bring rubberized weights into the pool, scissor kicks - anything really that engages my full core.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Good job Sunny!!! Swimming is great for stretching out the muscles, so that could be why your leg is a little better. As for your mask fogging up, there are some good spray anti-fog products out there. Check swimoutlet.com. If you want to go cheaper and your eyes are super sensitive, you can wipe a very thin layer of Dawn dish soap on the inside of the mask then wipe out with a dry paper towel. If you don't want any chemicals and aren't too grossed out, you can use saliva on the inside lens of the mask. Just make sure you don't have a cold or anything as bacteria from your mouth can get in your eyes. The saliva trick is more of a quick fix though.

    Keep at it; you're doing great!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Two myfitnesspal pals to chat with re: swimming / pool workouts ... nirvana

    Pam ... Glad to have two people to chat with re: swimming. I love doing water aerobic moves in the water too ... sounds like what you do water aerobic moves in the summer at your home pool. I have been to a lot of water aerobic classes and the moves are terrific exercise. I also do aqua jogging in the deep end. Have you been to a water aerobic class or are you designing your own moves for the pool? FireRox knows a lot about swimming and I'm glad of her opinions.

    FireRox, I just read today that sometimes the new masks have a silicon spray coating on them and so to wash it with dishwashing soap to remove and then I'll see if my normal "spit in the mask" helps keep the fog away. I had bought new mask and snorkel because I had broken the clip attaching the snorkel to the mask ... turns out the manufacturer is more than happy to send a replacement clip ... so now I'll have two sets. Good point about not using salivia if I have a cold. I will look into the sprays as a backup.

    Have to work late tonight, waiting on the work to come in and then to bed to get up early for the pool (to start the work grind all over again).

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Sunny - I took a an aquafitness class while I was pregnant, then recently a deep H20 class - which was surprisingly hard. You needed to wear a life belt that would make you buoyant and would tend to tip you either forward of back - so you really needed to engage your core to keep yourself upright in the pool. I missed the pool in the winter, so I go to adult free swim once a week just to change up the routine a little.

    LOL on Nirvana! Small pleasures...small pleasures.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hi Fellow Water Lovers,

    I did well today in the pool. I put in 40 minutes, 20 of which was aqua jogging with resistance booties on (including some deep water exercises), and then I did 20 minutes of swimming freestyle and breast stroke. I do feel like I am becoming more flexible, also I think I am gaining more strength in my muscles.

    I was talking with my husband about a good reward when I lose a large amount of weight (like 100 pounds) and I was thinking of one of the reclining massage chairs. Nothing sounds more wonderful than a massage for my shoulders after a workout.

    I tried cleaning my snorkle mask with dishwashing liquid and it did work to remove whatever film was on it that was preventing it from being fog free in the pool ... so a small success there.

    On water aerobics and aqua jogging ... it is amazing how challenging some of this can be, but I do better at all of it in the pool than on land for the moment ... I have arthritic knees.

    I hope you are having a great day ... read an article that the Chile earthquake has shifted the earth on its axis and thus shortened our day by a fraction of a millisecond, so we have less time to eat now (hooray).

  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Wow, a massage chair sounds awesome!

    Everyday in the water is a success. It helps with flexiblity, strength, and stamina. I too can only workout in the water, so I understand completely. Plus, jogging in water, although slower, will save your knees and other joints from so much wear and tear!

    Yeah, I read that article too about the quake. I didn't even know that the Sumatran quake did the same thing!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hi Pals,

    I agree about swimming helping with flexibility, stamina, strength, etc. It's also not soo bad for my social life, am meeting some nice people at the pool.

    Today I swam 30 lengths but swam them faster and with more strength. I did some stretching afterwards and that felt good. And am noticing my posture is better, my shoulder blades are pushing together in a more proper upper posture for standing and sitting. My legs are more flexible and stretched. Woo hoo, some progress. Not sure I will see it on the scale this week but at least I am seeing progress in my fitness.

    And I am dreaming about the massage chair. My husband and I were talking about perhaps trying out some of the portable inserts for massaging to see if they work well as an initial reward, they don't cost much but don't know how good they are. The real massage chair that I think I want is around $1200 so that is not something to give for a small weight loss, but I am worth it if I make it to 100 pounds weight loss (or maybe 75 is soon enough).

    FireRox, you mentioned your Man is Military, are you posted near a base somewhere? It takes a strong courageous man to be in the military, my sister-in-law's family are Navy, Marine. I have great admiration for those who help defend us.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    He was Army for a little over 6 years stationed in Ft. Carson, CO. He served a few tours...Iraq, Bosnia, and Afghanistan. At least that's what I know. He doesn't like to talk about it. He was shot in the back in Bosnia, so it brings back some bad memories for him. But, he still has the military brain, look, walk, and talk to him. We make a good couple since I was in the Fire Department for a few years which is para-military, so we think alike! Also, my uncle is still active in the Army and just shipped out for his third or fourth tour to Afghanistan. He is almost 60 years old, but he works super-secret intelligence, so the military just won't let him retire.

    Good job on increasing your laps. Just make sure you stretch your lower back and your gluteals. Sometimes, swimmers will develop "swayback". It's where your upper body gets a little over-developed and your hips start sticking out to the front while your lower back "sways". I'm guilty of not stretching enough, so I'm getting a little swaybacked.

    Yeah, $1200 is a big pricey for the massage chair. Inserts for chairs would be just as good. We can all dream though can't we?? Keep up the great work!!!!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Just make sure you stretch your lower back and your gluteals. Sometimes, swimmers will develop "swayback". It's where your upper body gets a little over-developed and your hips start sticking out to the front while your lower back "sways".

    Are the gluteals the muscle of the rear end? I certainly don't want those to be bigger since I have a big one to begin with ... but how to I stretch that. Also sway back ... I swim with a snorkel and wonder if that is better for not developing it because I am not lifting for breathing.

    What stretches do you recommend? Mainly these days my shoulder muscles (near the neck) are tight and painful.

    thanks for your thoughts, I appreciate it.

    I would imagine working in a Fire Department is very hard work, were you adminsitrative or did you fight fires also?

  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Yep, the glutes are the butt muscles. The human body has three gluteal muscles; the minimus, maximus, and there's a middle one but I can't remember the scientific name. Good stretches for those are touching your toes, sitting on the floor and making a diamond shape with your legs...done by placing the soles of your feet together and bending forward at the waist gently, gentle lunges, and the chair. The chair is basically crossing one foot over the opposite knee and bending as if you are sitting in a chair. These stretches are also good for your hips, inner thighs, and groin areas.

    A good stretch for your upper back and shoulders is to wrap your arms around yourself as if you are giving yourself a hug and gently stretch. This will stretch out the small inner muscles of your shoulders and upper back. Be very cautious when stretching your neck. Never do the full circle roll! Stretch each side of your neck independently and very gently. The neck is connected to the spine and upper back muscles through thin little strips of muscles called the supraspinatus muscles. If one of those becomes torn or inflammed, it is a whole world of hurt!!!!

    As far as the Fire Department, I started out with Fire Prevention, then spent a couple of years fighting fire and instructing at Explorer Fire Academies, then went back to Fire Prevention and Arson Investigation. I couldn't do the heavy stuff anymore as my RA just got too severe.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    just realized I will likely miss my swim this week again, as we are taking our girls to see Disney on Ice on the Sunda when I usually swim :sad: Today is free swim, but I have my personal trainer - I may try to get there on Saturday, but that is usually the busiest day (plus it being spring break - the pool will be packed).
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192

    I also am not going swimming today ... I can itchy sometimes from the chlorine in the pool and found a pool that uses very little because they use ultraviolet cleaning ... so I am getting itchy in one spot because I increased the workout from 35 minutes to 40 minutes a few times this week. I think 35 minutes is the magic number in the pool to avoid the itching. Today instead I am going to work out on the Wii. First time I'm doing land exercise instead of pool but I think any exercise is good exercise.

    Pam - do you find the personal trainer makes a difference? I have been considering it but the money is tight. Wonderful about going to Disney on Ice ... what fun. It's funny, I think they are on Spring break here and the pool has been surprisingly empty ... maybe people will be away and it will be emptier than usual ... never know.

    Fire ... thanks for the info on stretching. I definitely need to do some very gentle neck and shoulder stretches as that area hurts. Your career is fascinating, very physical, challenging, and I would expect always changing. Do you do arson investigations now? Fire is such a scary thing.

    I'll let you know how the Wii goes today. I haven't been in sneakers for exercising in a while, this involves more walking and dancing gently than like step movements which would flair my knees.

    Have a great day!
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    I have always loved to swim. When I was 10, I had to swim laps to try to improve my bad knees, and I've loved it ever since. However, for years now, I feel like I can only swim with a kickboard. When I do, it works my legs out really great, and I have good speed and endurance. One time a more "professional" looking lap swimmer (you know the kind, with all the equipment, Speedo suit, hair cap, etc.) told me she was impressed with how long and fast I could swim using the kickboard - to her it was torture. Anyway, I recently bought goggles and tried freestyle again, but I just feel uncoordinated and have trouble breathing every other stroke or so. It leaves me out of breath and not able to swim near as many laps. Do you think it's ok to only swim with a kickboard as long as I mix in other upper body workouts on other days? It does seem like very good exercise, as I'm exhausted afterwards and my leg muscles are definitely worn out.
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Hey Sunny!!! Nice to meet up with you on another thread! I hadn't seen your Pool posting before!. Great idea!
    Firerox, thanks for so much good info. I started swimming regularly about a year ago - I grew up on the water and would pretty much swim rather than do any other form of exercise. In fact, I am finding that when I slack off on my swimming in favour of other things at the gym, I really stall my weight loss and generally don't feel as good.

    I have really missed it this week though, I rotated a vertibra (in the shower, shaving my legs, no less!!!) and found that even though it settled after a day or two, it really was agrivated in the pool. Finally went to my chiropractor and am back on the mend. Your comments about the sway back made so much sense, since that was what is getting stiff. Now that I'm ready to jump back in the water, my Dr. has given me some lower back strengthening exercises, so that should hopefully offset the sway back issue.

    Maybe you can help about the breathing though...I never had any formal lessions, so I pretty much wing it and I'm getting better, but still am not sure how to breathe so that I can get a good rythm going. Breathing in to the side is fine, but how and at what point in the stroke should I be breathing out? Through the nose, the mouth, both? Slowing through the whole stroke, or explosively at the end? Help? I can do 30 minutes on the eliptical no problem, but I can't get through 2 lengths of the pool, even at a slower pace without getting so winded that I have to catch my breath. I really would like to be able to go back and forth at a slow and steady pace without stopping. I don't get muscle fatigued, just out of breath.

    I typically do 4 lengths of breast stroke to warm up, then try and get 30 - 40 lengths (25 yds/23 M) of front crawl in (2 lengths, then about 30 seconds - 1 minute recovery, repeat) at a pace of around 10 lengths in 15 minutes total. Then I finish with 4 lengths kickboard. I was swimming really fast and pulling hard and could only do one length at a time, and needed a much longer recovery, but went out with my daughter and she had me slow down A LOT!!! and glide each stroke somewhat, which made a huge difference.

    LOL...I am looking at the new post - Hi workingitout! - that appeared as I opened this reply...apparently I'm not the only one with this issue....