anyone 5'2 160lbs?



  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    5'3" started at 185, now at 159, 24yrs, 2 kids
  • sprucey85
    sprucey85 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm also 5'2 but 202lbs, would love to be 160!! I don't have children either so can't even use that as an excuse.

    It's a case of I eat more than I move so only have myself to blame. I've lost 7lb so far so I'm heading in the right direction! Good luck :happy:
  • I'm 5'1 but instead of weighing, I do measurements. Does anyone else do that?
  • jenna40_2go
    jenna40_2go Posts: 101
    Hi everyone! I'm 5'2" 36 years old with 2 teenage daughters. I was a 3 after I had them but slowly over the past 5 years have gained weight. My goal is 125 size 5. I'm currently doing the T25 program and have lost 7 lbs to date. I'm currently 159. I'm excited I kept off these 7 lbs for a week now. I only lost half a pound last week but it's still a loss. My calorie limit is 1400 and sometimes I eat back half of my exercise and sometimes I don't. I found on the weeks I didn't I lost and I shrunk in measurements. It's a trial and error. Anyone please feel free to add me. I would love friends who are looking for the same thing with my height weight and all that.
  • jenna40_2go
    jenna40_2go Posts: 101
    I'm 5'1 but instead of weighing, I do measurements. Does anyone else do that?

    I do both I weigh in every Saturday and take measurements as well.
  • eustaciavye
    eustaciavye Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there -- I am 5 feet and was 170 lbs a few years ago, before joining MFP. I'm now 148. The weight really does show on us short women. The good thing, though, is that smaller weight losses (like each 5 lbs) really show on us as well. Let's do this together!
  • mwah7
    mwah7 Posts: 7 Member
    thanks everyone for all your support and for your responses.
    I hate working out :( that is where my main problem lies.
    it's obvious that it is easier exercising when slim than when being over weight well my case obese lol.
    my goal weight is around 130..would like it to be 120..but i really don't see that happening.

    Went to the docs and she said I am what they call a 'constant'. which basically a person whose body likes to stay at a constant weight..which in my case is 160lb. i don't know how much of that is true...but i really hope it isn't true at all.
  • Diamond1014
    Diamond1014 Posts: 20 Member
    I celebrated every 5 lbs I loss, and it adds up - over 25lbs later.

    Im 5`3 and currently well over 160.. at 190. I'm trying to get to my first goal of 160 (i did it once ill do it again!) But I also celebrate every 5lbs down.. It seems easier to manage if I look at it is 5 more..5 more! Works for me along with a healthy diet and exercise!
  • jes_air
    jes_air Posts: 5 Member
    How do I add you?
  • candacesanchez92
    candacesanchez92 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'2" and 168. Been on every diet known to man - some with success, some without. I'm back on the diet wagon again after ignoring my weight for too many years. Nothing like a New Year's resolution to get back on the wagon.

    I'm definitely too late but take it from me who did every fad diet known to man and not only failed but GAINED and got up to 240lbs at 5'2 ...until I found weight watchers and it saved me...theres zero restrictions it teaches u how to change ur life and portions...I lost 100lbs 15 years ago and I have never looked back i now don't feel like im dieting by always sticking to WW it retrained my brain on how I make decisions when eating out and how to wash portions. I ate everythjng i craved i was never deprived. Its the best program.! No low carb fad Dieter can say they kept 100lbs off for 15 years
  • drykd
    drykd Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I’m 5’2 150lbs- honestly it was shock to see the scale. I’ve never really monitored my calorie intake but have always been good about exercise. My goal is to get to 135! So glad there’s a community.
  • alexis1616
    alexis1616 Posts: 115 Member
    I’m 5’3” and 144(I started at 165 late last year) still got about 19 lbs to go until my goal weight of 125ish. Definitely feel free to add me btw!! Try to keep a positive mindset, you can do it!!

    Think of your journey incrementally - what I mean by this is take things slow, you don’t jump into everything at once because you’ll either get injured(either mentally or physically, or both), or burnt out quickly. I know this saying has been said a lot, but think of your journey as a marathon instead of a sprint. What you want to do is make sustainable lifestyle changes that become second nature and don’t make you feel restricted to the point where you feel like giving up. Maybe firstly work on making your diet choices healthier (a general rule of thumb is weight loss is 80-85% diet, 15-20% exercise). Then maybe encorporate some light cardio, and tune that to become more and more intense as your fitness levels increase, or find an exercise that you enjoy doing that you would enjoy doing regardless if your goal was to lose weight.

    Also, enjoy the little victories - it’s a marathon, remember? The checkpoints are from A-B-C onward, not straight from A-Z. Maybe the scale is 1lb less than last week, maybe you’ve lost a few cm around your waist, maybe you can lift heavier weights, or do more reps than before or run or walk a little further during your workouts. Don’t just view your success off the scale alone, and if the number on the scale is your determining factor, then I would definitely suggest downloading a weight trend app like happy scale, as it gives you your weight loss trend over time, and the daily fluctuations won’t stress you out anywhere near as much.

    From experience, I tried the A-Z approach and was in a very similar boat to you(I weighed 165 at the end of September last year). I tried a super restrictive diet while going on multiple hour hikes per day when I first started, and that caused me to struggle with symptoms of eating disorders and the anxiety related. It made me totally obsessed with my food intake(or lack thereof), the number on the scale, and I treated exercise as a “punishment” for eating. I’m still trying to work through my problems with calorie restriction and calorie expenditure compensation as a result as well, but it’s definitely become easier. What fixed it for me is that with the support of my boyfriend, I slowly developed a better relationship with food, and I was honest and accountable through logging everything, including exercise on this app.

    Definitely don’t give up or lose hope. You’ve already started to make changes to better your life, as long as you stick to it, you’ll reach your goals :)
  • Makeyourdreamshappen
    Makeyourdreamshappen Posts: 48 Member
    Hi there! :) I'm 5'2. Four months ago I weighed 156 lbs. Now I weigh 134 lbs. It wasn't too difficult but it depends on where your mindset is. I quit soda four months ago because I knew that it had no nutritional value to my body at all whatsoever. I immediately saw my weight drop just by dropping my soda habit. I started logging in everything I ate so I could get an idea of how much I consume. I found a fun workout that I like and have been sticking with it for 3 months now. Cardio Drumming :) It is pretty amazing. Overall it just takes a lot of patience. You can do it! :)
  • Daisy_Girl2019
    Daisy_Girl2019 Posts: 209 Member
    5'2 SW:170, CW:131, GW:120. Add me so we can support each other. I'm on 1200 cal diet and love to share recipes on my page. 💃💃
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    5 ft 3 150 down from 235 but up from 125. Bounced back a bit lol. It is definatly possible but for sure requires more commitment thn say a 6 ft 2 male who burns twice our calories doing nothing it seems...... Commit and do what needs to be done and youll get your results :p