I need motivation!

I'm so mad at myself. Last night, I rolled out my yoga mat and turned on my youtube excersise video, but couldn't get myself to do the excercise. I was telling myself, "who are you kidding, you can't do those moves even if you tried!"

So i sat there and watched the whole video, (I did try a couple moves) but didn't finish it. How do you guys get motivated to start moving? Is there some sort of eneregy pill I can take to get me amped up? I just couldn't get myself to do it (besides the fact that my 5 year old son was behind me copying every move) lol

I however did eat below my calorie goal, so yay for me:)

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


  • I find it's always better to try and wait until you /want/ to exercise before you actually get anything set up - maybe look at some motivation or wait until you've got the energy - will get you more motivated to work out. waiting til you're on your own usually helps too, if you're on your own, or booking gym classes with other like minded individuals so you've got to go can make it a bit easier to get going too.
    Hope this helps,
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    your motivation is waiting 6 minutes into your workout.

    motivation is just what makes it easier to be self-discplined. Self-discpline, desire and determination will get it done - motivation just makes it colorful and fun. You dont need that to exercise.

    but here is what I do when Im thinking instead of exercising. I mean sitting there in my workout clothing and thinking but not doing...

    I get mad at my brain. When the hell was this ever anything to do with my brain. Does my brain have weight to lose? Does my brain have a mouth? No - my brain is all thinking and no action. Nothing at all. laziest organ ever.

    This is between me and my body. If I have to leave my brain home and just exercise out of spite because this is my Body's business, my body's turn to be a priority. my brain is always mememememememememeeeeeeee - well you know what - it's not just about what you want, selfish little self important brain, so back out of this.

    (And your brain will still take credit for your workout later anyway- itll be all like - yeah baby we killed it! when you know your brain had nothing to do with it)
  • ambarr82
    ambarr82 Posts: 27 Member
    I usually start planning a time that I'm going to exercise early in the day. So I'm telling myself "6pm I'm hitting the treadmill" then even if i really don't feel like exercising I make myself walk/jog for at least 5-10 minutes. I noticed that if I start moving I usually feel like finishing the workout.
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    When I first started, motivation came from the hope of transforming my body. Whether I wanted to or not, I did it. After awhile, the motivation started coming from the progress I was making. I could look in the mirror and see a difference. I felt stronger, more confident, and stopped hating myself. This all pushed me to keep going. It's all about decisions. You need to make the decision to get off the couch, onto your yoga mat, and do the video instead of watching it. If the moves are hard, do your best. You will be amazed with your progress if your start now but will be dissapointed with yourself a month down the road if you don't. You got this!

    Yes, it's hard to get started...especially in front of your children or spouse. But I've learned to include my children. If they are going to watch then they are going to join me. Let your 5 year old immitate you and use it as motivation. Imagine if your 5 year old grows up doing yoga?! My daughter LOVES to do burpees.
  • ChristaToTheMax
    ChristaToTheMax Posts: 41 Member
    At least you got it all set up. I am struggling to even get on the floor. :sighs: I have just started with new goals and the like, and am just going to use will power to get it done. I have no real motivation, other than the fact that when I look in the mirror I don't recognize myself.
  • raylener
    raylener Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks Ladies. I'm going to do it tonight!!