I need some suggestions!!

raylener Posts: 39 Member
edited January 7 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm so mad at myself. Last night, I rolled out my yoga mat and turned on my youtube excersise video, but couldn't get myself to do the excercise. I was telling myself, "who are you kidding, you can't do those moves even if you tried!"

So i sat there and watched the whole video, (I did try a couple moves) but didn't finish it. How do you guys get motivated to start moving? Is there some sort of eneregy pill I can take to get me amped up? I just couldn't get myself to do it (besides the fact that my 5 year old son was behind me copying every move) lol

I however did eat below my calorie goal, so yay for me:)

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    You just gotta do it, I mean sounds like you were there.. you even watched the videos... come on !! Thats like going to the gym and walking around (which people do..).. Maybe you need something more interesting than Yoga.. mix it up.. I know I hate yoga, I can't do every move, but I will try them and fall down or wobble but if you don't you will never be able to do it.
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    That happened to me alot when I first started exercising. But I did what I could...didn't give up... thought they were CRAZY for doing some move I couldn't even begin to figure out.... and then next time I could do a little more... and then a little more... You just have to do what you can and believe it will get easier and that YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT! Don't give up!
  • i would start small clean the house got for a walk. You could also as far as energy switch you daily multi to one with b vitamins or states energy blend
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Throw yourself into it and let yourself laugh if you don't do it right. I don't know why I feel motivated after the first 10 minutes but after that I could go for hours and it is worth every minute that you get out of it, not only that but everytime you try you get better at it and feel more and more like you can do it. After a while, you will.

    Perseverence is key.
  • Girl, life is short, do you wanna make it shorter by being unhealthy? Every time I do any kind of work out I think about the possibility of lengthening my life. Think about all the things you want to do in the future! (Thinking about a bikini or skinny jeans doesn't motivate me because I am happily married and the superficial part doesnt really mean anything anymore) I have to make working out worth my time, plus once you get started you will start feeling amazing and wont want to quit!
  • katelynn531
    katelynn531 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a hard time exercising at home. Aside from the children being right under me, I just do feel like I can push myself enough alone. I definately prefer yoga and other exercise at the gym. Being around others amps me up, trying to keep up with the instructor and class keeps me moving. I love yoga. Don't give up on it. If at first you don't succeed, try try again.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Hey - you watched it, you learned a little Next time it should go a little better.

    I remember learning a dance aerobics routine. I mostly just did a step-touch from side to side and watched the first time. Slowly, slowly, slowly I learned to do the entire routine. Give yourself time.

    Also get active doing some things you enjoy - walking the dog, playing a sport, and when you clean house - give it your all.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    Fake it 'til you make it! Just try to do the moves & even if you don't do them right the first couple of times, you'll get the hang of it. Every one has to start off somewhere.
  • sara4159
    sara4159 Posts: 40 Member
    I've definitely just sat and watched an exercise video the first time to try and figure out the moves. It's ok, next time you'll feel more comfortable with it and try to do more.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    If the issue was you think you don't have the ability to do the moves, try a different video? Personally, I love Suzanne Deason's Yoga for Weight Loss DVD. I have no kneecap in my right leg (motorcycle accident) so there are quite a few yoga poses that are extremely challenging for me, but I LOVE this routine. It runs 45 minutes, and it does get you sweating. Check it out, and good luck!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    my motivation is not wanting to be fat anymore! thats all the motivation i need. if you see my pics in my profile, there is a picture of me holding my friends daughter, im looking down, you cant see my face, but i was shocked to see what i looked like. i knew then that i was out of control and that was all it took for me! been amped up ever since!!!
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    try something else apart from yoga , walking, jogging, cycling the list is endless :)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I have a hard time exercising at home. Aside from the children being right under me, I just do feel like I can push myself enough alone. I definately prefer yoga and other exercise at the gym. Being around others amps me up, trying to keep up with the instructor and class keeps me moving. I love yoga. Don't give up on it. If at first you don't succeed, try try again.

    thisis the same for me!!! i feed off of other peoples energies at the gym... it really makes a difference for me...
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Well, it *is* a good idea to skim through a video first before actually doing it. So now you've done that part, lol. Today, play the same video and go for it. Do it. If you can't do it exactly like the person in the video, so what? Do the best you can, push yourself a little bit, rest when you have to. Even if you only do 1/2 of what the person in the video is doing, it's still better than sitting on the couch!
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Most dvds that you buy advise you to watch it first before trying....doing this can give you time to look up the moves you feel you can do to find a way to modify them.........start out by doing the modified positions and soon you will be able to do the traditional ones easier and easier. As far as motivation really telling yourself you can do it can be some motivation but the true underline motivation is your drive and desire to obtain your goals. You also need to remember to set them realistically. Just because you would like to do something does not always mean that you will be able to and may seem like a goal you could never reach. However, if you set up small goals and work at those that get you closer to the ultimate goal....it is through those small goals that you can reach a lot of motivation. When it comes to yoga one way to help build up to it would be to start doing traditional stretches that are not necessarily yoga stretching your muscles and body can help you get to the point where you can do traditional yoga. Good luck to you.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    Just keep moving! Your body will adjust, you will soon feel the changes and how strong you are getting. Every time you start a video commit to do each move at least a few times and the rest just walk in place, move your arms, legs, etc. until the next move comes up. Create mini goals, for example; if the moves is done 20 times, start with 5 or 10 and the next time push for two more until you can do the 20 without stopping. It is all about conditioning your body.
  • themutineer
    themutineer Posts: 117 Member
    Find something you love to do that is also good for you.

    I hate working out on any kind of cardio machine at the gym, and I always have. I feel like I'm punishing myself.
    However, I have found that I love rollerblading, hiking, rock climbing, going for walks, and doing yoga.

    These are activities that are fun to me, and they just so happen to also be good for my health.
    When your exercise routine becomes more of a lifestyle and you're doing something you actually enjoy, you'll begin to look forward to your "workouts." Win-Win.
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    I can't do a lot of yoga moves cause my body just will not flex like that yet. I just do them as far as I can though and I still feel a good stretch so if I keep at it, I'll get there little by little. The breathing in yoga is also very important. As far as motivation to get up and do it, I find that viewing the posts of fellow fitness pals gets me going! It's great to see the variety of what others are doing so you can get some good ideas of different workouts to do so you won"t get bored.
  • lrose50
    lrose50 Posts: 58 Member
    I've tried videos and they just don't motivate me. I do my best excercise outside the home (gym), riding a bike, swimming, going for a long brisk walk etc. It's difficult to set "this is my excercise time" when you're at home because it feels like this is "my at home time". Hope that makes sense.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm so mad at myself. Last night, I rolled out my yoga mat and turned on my youtube excersise video, but couldn't get myself to do the excercise. I was telling myself, "who are you kidding, you can't do those moves even if you tried!"

    So i sat there and watched the whole video, (I did try a couple moves) but didn't finish it. How do you guys get motivated to start moving? Is there some sort of eneregy pill I can take to get me amped up? I just couldn't get myself to do it (besides the fact that my 5 year old son was behind me copying every move) lol

    I however did eat below my calorie goal, so yay for me:)

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    I have talked a lot about bathing in Epsom salts baths on the forums. Since most of us are deficient in magnesium (and Epsom salts are pure magnesium sulphate) bathing in them will cause the absorption of magnesium through the skin. Vigorous exercise tends to "use up" our magnesium supplies (and our diet habits tend to leave us low in magnesium anyway). Taking magnesium oral supplements is not a terribly good idea because many people find that they cause diarrhea (exacerbating the problem). Adequate magnesium levels are essential for good mood (if you are deficient in magnesium, you will not produce adequate levels of serotonin--the neurotransmitter responsible for good mood) and muscles that work smoothly and well. Since the ATP transport system (ATP---adenosine triphospate is part of the energy cycle of cells) is dependent on magnesium ions in the blood, when we don't have adequate levels of magnesium, we will be low in energy (in addition to being in a crummy mood). Epsom salts come to the rescue! Aim for two 15-minute soaks per week (follow the package directions for the amount to put in the water). The standard bath takes about 25-35 gallons of water (depending on how full you like your bath). A large tub can take up to 75 gallons of water. To enhance uptake through the skin and blood capillaries, you should make the water as hot as you can stand it, without burning yourself, of course. It is amazing how wonderful it makes muscles feel! I take my two baths a week (if I have a specific problem area, like a wrist that tends to bother me, I use magnesium oil on it. It is available at health food stores). It has made a dramatic improvement in my energy, mood and ability to exercise!
  • raylener
    raylener Posts: 39 Member
    I did it! Last night I did pilates and fitness blend. I couldn't do all of both but I did half of each one. That's a start. And my legs are actually sore today!! Yay for me! Thank you everyone!!!
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