Very overwhelmed

5 years ago I lost 68 lbs, I went from 237 to 169. I went back to school and for two years I was pulling 18 hr days at least 4 times a week and over that time I gained weight. I ate complete crap, I didn't workout, I started drinking pop again....and I ended up gaining 30 lbs. well here I am, at 200 lbs and I'm disgusted with my self. I hate that I did this to myself and I hate how I used to be able to do 45 mins on the elliptical followed by an intense kettlebell workout....and now, I can do about a 20 min kettlebell workout. I am incredibly overwhelmed with how much weight I have to lose and how far I have to go.


  • NicoleMorris714
    NicoleMorris714 Posts: 1 Member
    Know exactly what you mean. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago and it's all crept back on, as well as brought friends! I'm just telling myself that if I did it once, I can do it again, and you can too! Don't be disgusted with yourself. That's not going to help anything. Just focus on how much better you feel when you eat better and get moving...and I'll keep repeating the same thing to myself! :)
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    Its a new year and a chance to set some new goals for your life. Don't look at how much you have to lose. Set small goals like drop 5 lbs (within a realistic time frame) and I am going to do that by ______________________ (diet, excercise, logging to MFP). Once that 5lbs is gone, set another goal and before you know it you won't be overwhelmed anymore - you will be motivated! This week I am taking my own advise. I am planning my meals, preparing enough for dinner that I can take leftovers for lunch so I don't have to order that pizza b/c I'm left with nothing else to eat. I haven't started excercising yet but I am planning my routine - it's a start. I have excercise equipment at home and I even I if I go home and spend 20 minutes with a kettle ball routine, it's better than NOT doing anything at all. Remember - you don't have to be great to start but you do have to start to be great. I say that to you and me! Good luck and let's get this party started!!
  • lisavirani
    lisavirani Posts: 117 Member
    you've done it before, you can do it again. Simple as that :) Set smaller goals. Get excited when you lose the first 5, then 10, then 20, etc... you can do it :) Good luck!
  • move257
    move257 Posts: 313
    Set smaller goals for yourself. Forget about the total loss, get that number out of your head. You did it before, so KNOW that you can and WILL do it again. Set small goals of 5lbs or 10lbs. When you reach those goals, celebrate them and be proud of yourself. This is 90% mental more then anything in my opinion. The food and exercise are easy if you're willing to do it. The fact that you're on here and seeking help tells me you're ready and you want it. Slow and steady is the best way, I KNOW you will do this and I can't wait to be there to say congratulations!! :D The mind and we humans can do incredible things, just a matter of knowing and wanting it. Best of luck, you got this! :D