9 minutes?!!?



  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    I actually just started the 30 day shred this morning too! I did a bootcamp in August and was feeling pretty good, but didnt work out for months and am now back again. I will tell you, I had trouble with the 30 days shred and was shocked how hard it was! I can already feel my thighs hurting right now from those squats and lunges! I used to be able to do so many! Its just 30 days...you can do it :)

    If you want a motivation partner for the next 30 days...add me! I am looking for one and since we both started the same day, maybe you'd be interested!

    Best of luck...you can do it...just 29 more days :D
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    why didn't you pause it, catch your breath, and then keep going??

    Yea, gotta give some tough love on this one.
    My sister is 5'4" and was 230lbs when she started working out after her second child and she did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred....
    She didn't have any hand weights - so she used bean cans
    She had ****ty shoes and could only work out in her garage b/c their living room was above her daughter's bedroom
    I actually told her to back off a little from it because I was worried she'd hurt herself from how sore she was
    She didn't stop.....she kept going
    She eventually bought hand weights & other workout dvds and created a workout space in the house for herself and bought new shoes

    Later she completed a round of P90X and then a round of Insanity and went from 230 to 143lbs in less than a year
  • Cocacoladdict
    Cocacoladdict Posts: 80 Member
    I am happy for your sister. well done her.

    I got to 17 mins today.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I am happy for your sister. well done her.

    I got to 17 mins today.

    nice work. why didn't you pause it, catch your breath, and then keep going?

    and despite it's name, 30 Day Shred is not intended to be done daily. it should be done every other day. this is according to jillian micheals herself.
  • Cocacoladdict
    Cocacoladdict Posts: 80 Member
    Mainly because my daughter woke up and I needed to go see to her. I am going to do more cardio this afternoon to try and even it out a little bit. You would think I could get half hour straight to myself but noo..

    Yeah I read that this morning, kids are back to school next week so I am going to go join my local council gym mainly for the pool. I used to love to swim so I figure if I have access to a pool all day when I am on my own I can do alternate days with that and whatever other activity like the 30ds.

    I am enjoying what I have done though.