235 lbs to loose... love a support group

Hi everyone,

My name is Jennifer, my whole life I have struggled with my weight. The last time I remember being less than 200 lbs was in early High school. As a teen though, I was always active, running around with friends at the park, riding bikes, playing sports and going on weekend back packing trips with my Cadets group.

Unfortunately after high school graduation is when I began to really pack on the weight. I look back today and still don’t really know how I managed it. I was still active playing Dance Dance Revolution but that was about it, cadets was over for me as I turned 19 as was too old.

Bad relationship after another probably didn’t help my efforts to stay active. And then I started college and with it came the convenience of fast food and takeout between working full time and studying. So what happened… well I gained more weight, and then came another bad relationship. Now I can’t really blame my weight problems on bad relationships but let’s face it I am a woman, I am not saying all women turn to food for comfort but I did.

Back in October 2012 my best friend from way back when had a little girl, and I have really come to realize that I want to have a family. Unfortunately a trip to the doctors informed me that I am un able to have children in my current state and need to bring my weight down to 200 lbs as least, more would be best. My ideal weight would be 150 so that’s where I am aiming.

In August of 2012 my baby sister got married, naturally I attended her wedding and well what can I say, I will always regret being the size that I am. Looking back at the pictures puts me to tears and that is a moment that I will always have to look back on and regret that I was so heavy that I looked like a mini blimp in my baby sister’s wedding photos. Why have I allowed myself to get this heavy? I have also recently found out that she too is expecting her first little one in July of this year. I am so exited for her and once again craving to be at a healthy weight so that I too may start trying for a family of my own.

A little over 2 years ago I met a wonderful man who loves me for me, no matter what I look like or how much I weigh. Unfortunately I don’t love me, and I definitely do NOT love how much I weigh. November of last year he asked me to marry him and of course I have agreed. We have also found out that his baby sister is also getting married this coming August, I am hoping that I can drop enough weight so that I can be presentable at the wedding, can fit on the plain without having to ask for special seating and not have to look back at pictures and regret that I haven’t done something about my weight.

We have decided that we would like to be married in July 2014, so thankfully I have little over a year and a half to lose as much weight as I can. I am currently sitting at 385 lbs; I figure that if I can average about 2 lbs a week I can lose about 150 lbs which would be amazing.

Now why this long sap story about my life? Well I am writing this so that I can look back and remember that I need to hold myself accountable for the actions over the past many years that have caused me to be as I am, and I have no one left to blame but myself. It is time to make a change, it is time to stop making excuses and it is time to LOSE LOSE LOSE.

So please add me as a friend and help me on my quest to lose this weight that I have so easily put on, and I will support you in return. I know that the path to my goals is going to be very hard, I will probably lose my way, but the only thing that I can do is get back up on that wagon and keep trudging along. With friends and a strong support system I know I can do it and so can you…


  • adriennepaolini
    I can relate. I am at the point of no more excuses too. I have 174 to lose before I am "BMI Healthy weight" However I am shooting for a more realistic goal right now of 225. Remember small steps at first then jumping forward.

    Hope you find what you need to help on here.
    Light and Blessings
  • gtchs
    gtchs Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome to MFP and congrats on the engagement. I've been on MFP for a while and although I haven't been as successful as I would like, there are tons of others that have had GREAT success losing large amounts of weight using MFP. I also still have about 235 (not sure really) to lose.

    Happy New Year!
  • NoExcusesJenn
    NoExcusesJenn Posts: 24 Member
    I was recently accepted into the Alberta Weight Management Programs and have taking a bunch of classes, met with nutritionist, dietitions and doctors. I have been put on the wait list for the Bariatric surgery but i really want to do this without surgery... so I am going to try ultra hard this time round.
  • sugar66
    sugar66 Posts: 41
    My advice would be to set yourself small managable weight targets, I started this at xmas 2011 weighing 326lb after a false start.
    I set myself 20lb weight loss targets and once i reached that i changed my target so another 20lb was my target, I am now 8lb away from my 5th target so nearly 100lb loss, although my tracker says different as I put weight on after i set it.

    I found doing it this way didn't seem as daunting, 20lb seems very managable where the 156lb i wanted to lose was a different story. I was hoping to hit the 100lb within the year but was really happy to even get close.

    Now at 234lb my target weight doesn't seem so far away, as now its less than 60lb away

    Good luck xx
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I have also struggled with weight my whole life, at least since about the age of 8. I hit rock bottom in March of 2012 when I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with acid reflux. I was 41 years old and weighed 338 pounds. I decided that day Iwas going to take charge of my health. I have lost 115 pounds so far. I have a long way to go, but I feel so much better than I did then, and my doctor is thrilled with my progress. You can do it! Just start with small steps,and change wil come!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi, I can relate to your story. i have not been under 200 in 21 years, the date of my last son. Please add me, we will both be here working at it for a while.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    Hey, I send you a request along with a group here on mfp that might have some interesting reading.
    They already started, but the posts will come until valentines day and I know they helped me a lot, to get me in a good and positive mind frame!
  • gettinfit320
    gettinfit320 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi - fee free to add me. I'm trying to get back on track too; but for health reasons; I have a grown daughter who is goining mfp too. We are trying to do this together, but I need all the support I can get and hopefully I can encourage others too! All the best!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    First up, congratulations on the courage to take the first steps. That's your first goal met - getting started - and you should be proud of yourself. You've already beaten those who are still doing nothing.

    I will echo the comments of sugar66 - set yourself some short term goals. 200+ pounds won't come off quickly, and it could get daunting and disheartening. You're more likely to keep at it with a motivational boost every few months, so set 10-20 pound goals. Also, talk to your doctor before starting, and regularly as you go. Not only will that help you lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way, but positive feedback on your improving health will also keep you motivated.

    Good luck - you can do this.
  • gettinfit320
    gettinfit320 Posts: 32 Member
    So impressed with your success! It is an inspiration to me. I have about 100 lbs to lose and at my age, feel it's almost impossible. But I do want to use these boards as a source of motivation... you have done that already! Thanks
  • saeverman
    I will add you as a friend. I understand what you have been through. Even though I opted to have gastric bypass 10 years ago, I am still struggling with losing weight that I regained due to steroids and poor eating choices. I have had nothing but complications from my surgery and wish I would have done it without the surgery. You can do it! I agree with setting small shorter goals along with an ultimate goal. You'll feel so much better about yourself when you reach the smaller goals and before you know it you too will be on your fifth or six goal.

    So what is your game plan?

    Mine is to make sure I get in all my protein and vitamins. Then I am going to start adding back in weight bearing exercises and water aerobics at the YMCA. I like to reward myself once I reach a mini goal with something that I wouldn't normally do like a new hair do or a new outfit. My first mini goal doesn't include a certain weight loss. My goal is to get in all my water, vitamins, and protein in for 10 days in a row.

    Stephanie E
  • NoExcusesJenn
    NoExcusesJenn Posts: 24 Member
    . Also, talk to your doctor before starting, and regularly as you go. Not only will that help you lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way, but positive feedback on your improving health will also keep you motivated.

    I’m currently part of a Government funded program here in Alberta called the Weight Management Program, in it we have done classes, see doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, and as well as a therapists on a regular basis. I have learned a lot so far about nutrition and healthy eating over the last month. I am hoping that over time I will learn more and that the knowledge that I have gained from it will show in the progress that I make. I am also currently on the waiting list for Lap ban or sleeve surgery depending on what the doctor thinks best, though I am hoping that i can do this on my own.
  • NoExcusesJenn
    NoExcusesJenn Posts: 24 Member
    @ saeverman
    I am working on the whole water intake, right now. I have been trying to set little daily goals. water is a big one for me.. so I am trying to cut back on the pop (even though its only diet) and drink more tea... I am leaving pop for the weekends and limiting myself to 2 cans or less of diet a day.
    My first weight loss goal is to loose 10% of my weight so we are looking at 38 lbs to start and then I will re-evaluate afterwards. I need to find my runners and gym bag... or buy new runners to get to the gym! (tonights task after dinner)