DMUND Posts: 299 Member
I am so excited for the new Biggest Loser to start!!! I love walking on my treadmill while watching the show. They keep me going!!! Is anyone else as excited?


  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    My fiancee and I are pretty excited for it. For the last few seasons, I've watched it saying to myself "One of these days I'm gonna get off my butt and do something about this, but at least I'm not THAT big".....then I see the results and realize I got passed by pretty much everybody on the show.

    This time around, I've been working at it for a few months, so I can set a goal for the final show date and see how I do .... The people on that show are awfully inspiring to me.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    I love the show. I hope its a group that makes me want to watch.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I am so excited for this season. I love all the trainers and I am glad JM is back. I think it'll be great. I hope they don't over do it on the kiddos and really teach them health.
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    As long as it's not like the contestants last season... and it was supposed to be the season of no excuses. I also felt that last season none of the finalists really lost as much as all of the previous seasons and was disappointed that they wasted the opportunity! So excited for Jillian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Olivia was my favorite contest ever!
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I can't wait for this season to start!! This show gives me more motivation!! I am glad that this season they are also going to focus on getting kids in shape as well. Should be a great season!!
  • kaitiebeth89
    kaitiebeth89 Posts: 52 Member
    So excited!! Very glad Jillian is back too.
  • aud085
    aud085 Posts: 23 Member
    Love the show, and so glad Jillian is back! Love her. I saw a commercial that showed a kid on the show, that should make it a little more interesting, who could vote a kid off??
  • 3rdxacharm
    3rdxacharm Posts: 377 Member
    BL comes on in 3 hours. I am glad Jillian is back. I'm hoping for a much better season than last season :smile:
  • ladanivita
    ladanivita Posts: 31 Member
    I am so excited!! I haven't watched for a few seasons because, I'll admit, JM is the main reason I watch the show. I looove her! So hearing she's back got me pumped for the new season to start, and it's finally hereee!!!

    I love this show--it's so motivating, so emotionally uplifting to watch people's transformations (especially emotionally...that's the most beautiful part).

    YAY just a few more hours :D
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    I record the show and then walk in place/dance while I watch it,just can't sit still, really motivates me!!!
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I can't wait!!! Come on 8:00!!!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I'll be the dissenting voice here......I hate this show. I watch it to laugh at it. It's reality TV of the worst kind. The methods they use are unsafe and lead people to have unrealistic expectations. Their long-term success rate is poor. The contestants put themselves through dangerous workouts and disordered eating and stab each other in the back for a cash prize.

    I just watched the first segment. One guy just said he's been hoping to get on the show for 5 years. Five friggin' years?!!!! Why did you sit on your *kitten* all that time and do....nothing? In 5 years you could have changed your whole life. And he also said that 2 years ago, he was in a car accident where his weight nearly caused him to kill his son in the crash. And still, he doesn't change a thing. Oh, he sits there on screen and cries about it, but waits for someone to come along and tell him what to do. Oh, please.

    And i can't stand Jillian Michaels. She's a horrible trainer. She screams obscenities at her clients, and treats them with disrespect. She pushes people until they vomit, then revels in watching them be sick. I don't know many people who are inspired to go back to the gym it they puke every time they go there. I think she's vile. It's one thing to be a tough trainer, but you should never disrespect your clients. You can push people without damaging their health.

    This show serves as an example of what NOT to do. I get so sick of hearing people say, "But on the Biggest Loser, they do _____." Fill in the blank with some asinine training or eating habit. I get so tired of explaining why it's asinine, and they never listen anyway. If the show inspires you, well, that's great. But I'm disappointed that they could do so much good with this show - they could show reasonable training routines, they could teach realistic nutrition - but they'd rather go for the drama and the ratings. But that's TV for ya.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    I dislike reality TV and really don't like "Biggest Loser". The audience gets manipulated and we see edited clips of their life and their attempts to get healthy. The contestants get facilities and opportunities that most of us will never have. Count me out!
  • ase1995
    I am so excited to watch this season! I love that they are incorporating some kids in the show to address childhood obesity. I haven't watched the show since Jillian had left, it just wasn't the same. Ironicly that was around the same time I was on my plan and was on MFP & doing well. It saddens me a little as I lost about 20lbs but got sick with the flu that was pretty bad and lasted more than 4 weeks it seemed and I just got out of my routine and never found my way back. Heres to new beginnings, New Year, New Biggest Loser Season, New College graduate....