Body Revolution, for guys?

Hello everyone, its time to knuckle down and get back into shape. However, what program to use. I just discovered JM's Body Revolution but from what I can tell -and I could be totally wrong- it seems more geared toward women. For those of you that have purchased it, is this true? I've heard wonderful things about her products and my wife is ready to use it (once we get rid of all the snacks in the house ).

Just trying to make an informed decision and worrying I might be better off with another program or would this one do the trick. Goal wise I'm looking to loose weight and tone up. Once I reach that goal I'm looking to sculpt up and get some definition in my muscles. Anyway, thanks in advance for any information and insite.



  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    There is no reason to no be working to sculpt your muscles from the get go. This applies to men and women. It burns a lot of calories and effectively raises your metabolism. More importantly it protects your muscles from loss, otherwise you'll lose muscle along with fat as you lose weight. While losing weight any muscle gain though will be marginal at best. However you can get the muscles you currently have strong, which is important when it comes time to try to gain muscle mass (if your muscles are weak, a calorie surplus will go to your gut instead of being used for building muscles).

    Real strength training is more important than cardio for weight loss. Almost everyone that says otherwise has something to sell you or has been sold something.
  • Well john, in order to sculpt your muscles you need to have some first (no offence). Strength training is your best way to go, and by strength training, I mean weight lifting. Do it hard, do it right. Eat at a surplus, or even a small deficit if toning up.

    Anything will get you skinnier, as long as your in a caloric deficit, doesn't matter what program you do watch your diet.

    That being said, you dont want to tell some hot chicks at the playboy mansion you got your "muscles" from julian michales (of all people) now do you? Blood sweat and iron John, they will give you results!

    Cliff: Break JM disc
  • Thanks for the reply Waldo. I think I will pick this up tonight. I won't be about to start it unill my physical therapy is over, I hurt my back at work but I'm doing very well and should be able to start the program once its over.

    Should I look at buying any kind of equipment? I havn't seen anything specific on the use of weights in the program or not. I believe I have some bands in the closet - somewhere - lol.

    Thanks again
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    I suggest trying this website: It has a ton of workouts that can be done with any type of schedule. I used the Kris Gethin 12 Cutting the Fat program that helped me initially cut my first 20 lbs. I went off it and tried something else for a while and didn't find as much success, so I started it again about 2 weeks ago.
  • I don't really care who or what I watch to loose weight as long as I loose it. I'm to far out of shape to handle anything Tony Horton but I would like to start his program in the future. If JM gets results then Ill be happy. From what I have found lurking the forums several guys have had success with it along side there spouse, which is perfect for me and mine.