Anyone had hip replacement (dysplasia) / bone grafting?

I've never had a broken bone in my life and here I am at 32 years old finding that I need corrective surgery for double hip dysplasia. My hips, unbeknownst to me till a few weeks ago, never fully formed. The first ortheopaedic surgeon recommended using bone from my femur to graft new hips. I go for my second opinion at the Cleveland Clinic in 19 days. I have a lot of questions that I'll be sure to ask my doctor about but that's 19 days away- 19 days to go crazy and wonder. Has anyone else been in this predicament? There doesn't seem to be many forum topics on it. I'm scared to exercise now and scared that after the surgery I won't be able to exercise either. I'm already almost 50 pounds overweight and fear this new wrench is just going to make things worse. If anyone has a story they care to share, please do so! Thanks :)


  • Kirijyma
    Kirijyma Posts: 35
    Hey there, I'm 28 years old and have dysplasia in both hips, I found out last year and it's something that motivates me to lose weight, because the less you weight the less pressure on your hips. I will be getting my right hip replaced this year :) I do all low impact workouts , hasfits and taebo are great! If you have any questions message me :)
  • goaldee
    goaldee Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I found your post when I searched for hip replacement. I hope all went well for you. I am at the gathering information stage. I would really like to find out more... :)
  • I had surgery to fix my right hip for this exact problem last summer. I was in a wheelchair then I worked my way on to crutches. I gained about 40lbs because I was practically bedridden for months. If the bone graft is what you'll eventually do, it's gonna suck. You shouldn't exercise prior, just in case you injure yourself. You also won't be able to exercise for a while afterwards. Just try to eat healthy and walk when you can, that's the best advice I can give!