Looking for people who do more than talk about losing wt.

Hello Everyone,
I am 42 yo mother of two. I have come to the conclusion to have more fun this year. The extra forty lbs around my turso makes that hard. So I have more than a little work to do before having any fun. I also am determined not to keep up the family tradition of being diabetic. After dealing with a nasty ex spouse and nursing a child with a mysterious illness back to health, I am ready for better things out of life. So I am revamping and that includes my body and appearance. I have an 18yo daughter who I need to model a happy adult life for. I also have an active 12yo son that I need to keep up with. This weight makes that hard as I am winded and have a knee that swells from too much weight. Some how I need very badly to break the cycle of weight gain. I really could use a team of support.
Let me know what your trials and victories are. I need someone to be acountable to.


  • deecapuano
    deecapuano Posts: 20 Member
    HI! I have sent my friend request over.

    Have you had the knee checked out? I was having issues with mine last year about this time and before setting out on my exercise plan, I had it checked to make sure there was nothing seriously wrong with it. I figured it was because I had stopped exercising and had gained some weight but my doctor wanted to make sure that was all it was.Turns out I have osteoarthritis in both knees but not to the point where it is serious. The orthopedic doctor said walking was the best thing for it. I also run and Spin now for exercise with some weigh bearing stuff thrown in for good measure. I am a lot more healthy than I was last year at this time but I have a ways to go before I reach my goal weight.

    I log in most everyday but mostly from my phone so I don't see the message boards too often. Feel free to message me anytime. I also check my news feeds regularly.

    You will do fine with this, just remember to take it one meal at a time.