Doing this alone is boring



  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    I agree!! Doing it alone is boringggggg! The support and motivation from members is great! Feel free to add :)
  • Agreed, doing it alone is boring. I look forward to the support and to see what others are doing and going through.
    I sent you an add
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    Gather a good group of supportive pals to help keep you on track. Keep an open and honest exercise/food diary (even on bad days) and open mind when your pals offer advice. Never give up on yourself no matter how hard the road to your goal may get and you will succeed!

    Anyone can add me. I thrive on supporting others and their successes push me on through my harder times. :bigsmile:
  • CarolynCarrow
    CarolynCarrow Posts: 62 Member
    Add me please! Looking to connect with new people who are doing this too!
  • bmommyx7
    bmommyx7 Posts: 3 Member
    Who couldn't use some support? =)

    I lost 80 pounds almost 5 years ago, but working at a desk in an office 6 hours a day for the last 3 years opened the door for 26 of those pounds to find their way back on to my body. The office job has ended, and I am so ready to kick those 26 pounds to the curb once and for all!
  • You can add me, anyone wanting more support is welcome to add me. We all need extra motivation from those who are changing for the better. =)
  • I am doing this again for the 2nd time and could really use the support too:) Add Me!!
  • This is my first time trying this. Just happened upon it surfing the net. Had plans of joining Weight Watchers but not into the weekly meeting thing. Wish me luck guys!