Been away for awhile. Here to stay

Well I have been gone for awhile. Been dealing with a lot of things in my life. Sickness, death, loss of relationships, depression, you name it. I have let these things get to me and I have gained back the weight I worked so hard to lose and gained back more. I am pack at it. I have to revamp my page and reset some goals but I could really use some support. I lost most of my friends when I went awal and it sucks. I am very grateful for those who have stood by me though. Anyone that would like to add me please feel free. I HAVE to make a change. I do not want to have to undergo weight loss surgery and I don't want to die. I am only 24 but I was just told at an er visit last month that I am starting to develop non alcohol related fatty liver disease. I know this is due to my weight problem. So, it's time to stop wasting my time talking about how fat I am and being depressed and actually do something about it. Anyone that would like to add me feel free!!! I look forward to new friendships.


  • purpleprose
    Welcome back! We're already friends, but wanted to let you know I'm here to support you. :smile:

    The diagnosis of early fatty liver disease is what prompted me to change my life, so I know how scary/motivating hearing that can be.

    I KNOW you can do it because I did it. And I failed at everything I tried until I just put my mind to it and did it.
  • jessneedham1701

    Welcome back. I've been away from here for quite a while too and have come back to stay.
    Scary news about the fatty liver disease but well done for coming back and trying to lose the weight yourself without surgery! I'm sure with the support you need, you can reach your goals and improve your quality of life!

    Good luck - we know you can do it!
  • sunflowerbrandy
    I too have been away but happy to be back, Im always looking for new friends, Friends are your biggest support..
  • Omicron
    Omicron Posts: 48 Member
    AWOL here too. For far longer than I should have been. Definately need to get back in the groove and support would be super. Feel free to add me. :smile: