Need some support in this too

Hey everyone. I just started this yesterday, and I know that this is hard and weight fluctuates from day to day. But I need help and I don't have anybody near by who can help. Anybody here who can help me out and be my support?


  • jalantro
    Buddy weight loss is the best! It helps to have someone to go through it with. Yes, there are definitely fluctuations, which is why I try (try, not succeed) not to weigh every day, or even every other day. The scale is there, I have to step on it, even if I tell myself I am only going to weigh once a week. I've thought about putting it away, and only getting it out to weigh at pre determined times (once a week, once a month, etc.). I haven't decided yet - I think I am obsessive, and don't know if I can give that up - even though I know it is not good for me. When I'm only attempting to lose 1 lb per week, what good can it do me to weigh every day?

    Do you have any special tricks that help you along the way?