Does Anemia cause weight gain??

I don't really have bad eating habits I just don't have the enery to work out, so I just give up all my effort and quit everything even my diet. I just found out I'm anemic and I wonder if thats the reason why I don't feel like working out all the time. I also starting taking iron supplements for my anemia, would that help give me the energy to workout?? If anyone knows that would be great! =]


  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    As far as i know anemia is not linked to weight gain except that anemic people have low energy levels and therefore less stamina to exercise. Iron in the blood is what oxygen attatches to to be carried throughout the body so if you have low iron you will not have sufficient oxygen reaching all your cells. People with anemia are pale, tire easily and often bruise easily as well. Once you begin your iron supplement and get you levels back up, you should see improvement in these symptoms. But remember that if you are out of shape, it will take your body a while to get used to exercise so you may be a little tired while your body adjusts to that as well
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    It doesn't cause weight gain, but it causes fatigue and malaise. The iron supplements will help, though it will take a few weeks to get your levels back up to normal. Don't take them with milk, and it's really best to take them on an empty stomach (I know it hurts!), and don't take them with antacids so you can get max absorption. I would just focus on eating healthily until you have more energy. You won't gain on a caloric deficit, so rest assured!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I have an iron defficiency, I believe that's anemic, correct? lol.. I have iron as one of my nutrtional thingys on my food area...(yes all tech vocab.) I try and get over 100 every day, I make myself workout, certain foods w/ help boost your energy... and once you do exercise that'll boost your energy as well! I have the biggest issue still w/ bruising, I could simply bump something and end up w/ a HUGE purple bruise for weeks

    Side note-Multigrain cheerios and total blueberry pomegranate both have 100% of your daily iron!

    Or even try a supplement if the foods you eat won't get you there. Good luck!

    Also if you'd like my food diary is public you can check out some of the foods I eat.
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I also have anemia and another tip is to take your iron with either a vitamin C or with some oj. Vitamin C helps the body absorb Iron and like what was said, calcium blocks the absorption of iron. Good luck! Your energy will return, keep fighting!!
  • cherieb1
    I am a nurse and no anemia does not cause weight gain but the lack of energy will. I myself become anemic time to time and I find the iron supplements really help to boost my energy, as well as, exercise. Even if you don't feel like exercising you will feel better afterwards as it increases blood flow. Take care and good luck.
  • I just saw my doctor yesterday and she said anemia CAN cause weight gain....
  • madeinforks
    madeinforks Posts: 50 Member
    Absolutely! When you are anemic it can make just doing the basics a major event! Get those blood levels of iron up and you will see a huge difference..Talk to your doctor about getting on some iron supplements and eat some iron rich foods.
  • I just saw my doctor yesterday and she said anemia CAN cause weight gain....

    Let me explain:

    Anemia can cause weight gain because being anemic can decrease your metabolism, your body's ability to use nutrients quicky and effectively. With a slower metabolism, you can experience resistance to weight loss or weight gain.

    It is not just a matter of being too tired to exercise.
  • lovinbeinold
    It was when I was most anemic that I got started on the big weight gain. I was so tired and eating for energy. I did not have the energy to work out, but also kept feeling like eating, due to needing energy to function through my day with my children. When I started iron supplements, I felt better. But iron supplements were a bit hard on me. However, they did help me with feeling more alive.

    Before I knew I was anemic, I went to a doctor with my symptoms of lethargy, exhaustion, etc. He diagnosed me as chronically depressed and prescribed some kind of anti depressant or something. I felt a lot worse. Didn't take more.

    Finally a doctor later bothered with a blood test, and I turned out to be so anemic that he said if I lived in a third world country and kept on like that, I'd just die.

    Anyway, addressing the anemia with iron gave me more energy and relieved the feelings of depression.
  • bratius
    If you are a tea drinker, it will also block the absorbtion of iron. I'm anemic as well. I do not take an iron supplement but I find working out makes me feel energizer.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Hopefully, your dr. can find the cause of your anemia and help you get rid of it. When I was anemic, I could still eat, but exercise, lifting anything or walking very fast/far, was extremely difficult and tiring. Even lifting the kitchen trash bag had me winded. After getting my test results back for anemia, I was told "Go home and don't exert myself." If the anemia is severe, be careful! My anemia was fixed with a hysterectomy, but my children were already grown, and that option wasn't a problem for me. I wish you well! You'll have to carefully count calories until you can get back into physically demanding exercises.