Question: 3 meals a day or several small meals a day?



  • jlqt2000
    jlqt2000 Posts: 25 Member
    I think it really is an individual preference. For me, I snack throughout the day... I eat maybe a banana for breakfast then a mid morning snack of string cheese or something like that, then maybe have a light lunch like a chicken breast with some veggies or a sandwich then have an afternoon snack of popcorn and then dinner which is usually my biggest meal. I am so much happier this way because when I was only eating three meals a day, I found myself watching the clock to check and see when my next meal was because I would get so hungry. Which meant grumpy! I also have way more energy spacing my food out.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    I don't believe there's a magic combination.As long as you meet your calorie goal, you're going to see a lot of success.

    One way to make that easier (for me at least) is to go ahead and put in the food I'm PLANNING to eat at the end of the day. Like tomorrow, I know I'll have steak and a baked potato. If I put that in for my dinner, then I can better budget my calories for the day - so I have a lighter breakfast and veggies for a snack and maybe a salad for lunch.

    Good luck!
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I agree with the others- it's what works for you.
    I found that eating 5-6 times a day works for me. I feel like I get to eat constantly, so I'm not deprived. For me 1500c/day = 5 x 300 cal meal/snacks. Calorie wise the snacks are the same size as my meals but they tend to me more finger food, while the meals are a bit more involved. There are days I do 3 meals and they are just 2 of my regular ones combined.
    I have a friend who can't do the multiple times a day, meals have to be very specific and regimented or she just keeps eating more and more.
  • av0cad0
    av0cad0 Posts: 20
    It doesn't matter, when I can get in my 5 small meals every 2-3 hours great but unfortunately I don't have the time for that. I eat whenever I'm hungry!
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    I found 4 meals a day optimal for me, while it largely doesn't make a difference when you consume your macronutrients (total intake is far more important) it does make a small difference, its enough reason for me not partition my meals out a little.