How do you lose inches???

tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I don't want to just lose weight by working out i want to see the inches come off also but i feel like im so lost to what exercise to do and which one's really work . As of right now i do any where from 30-120 minutes on my elliptical and do the biggest loser cardio max dvd for 35 minutes i do this daily.. But im not seeing inches coming off very fast.. Is there other things i can do to make them come off.. ????


  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Everyone is different..............

    Some people see pounds come off, but not so much with the inches............

    Others (like me) see lots of inches lost, but pounds drop slowly......................
  • kingking
    kingking Posts: 64 Member
    When you say the inches aren't "coming off very fast"...what do you mean?

    I'm way ahead of my plan, but no part about this is fast. I figure I've had 40 years to build this stuff up, it's going to take a while to work it off.
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    How long have you been trying? Are you staying within your calorie limit? What kind of foods do you eat? You might be hitting a plateau. There are several good posts out there about getting through a plateau. You're doing GREAT on the exercise!!! How do you find the time with 3 kids???:smile:
  • Exercise is only 20% of weight loss. What you eat is 80%. If you eat like a bird I PROMISE those inches will come off fast :)
  • what do you mean by "eat like a bird?"
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Exercise is only 20% of weight loss. What you eat is 80%. If you eat like a bird I PROMISE those inches will come off fast :)

    It's funny, I use that saying alot...."Eat like a bird".

    hollandlop: It means to eat very small portions periodically throughout the day and of course as nature as possible.

    The inches will come off, I saw a big drop of inches when I started to change my workout routine daily. I never do the same workout twice in one week. And if your like most woman, we want to see the inches come off in our mid-section, right? Then I suggest 500-600 situps or crunches daily. You can spread them out throughout the day. Try 100 every morning, late morning, afternoon, late afternoon, evening, and right before bed. Change it up by doing side crunches to get those love handles. Hang in there, you're doing great!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    600 crunches o boy i better start now lol... my main parts are my thighs, hips and stomach i really want to be in small dress sizes but can't without losing inches... its driving me insane but im not giving up!! No way that's not in my goal plan lol
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    600 crunches o boy i better start now lol... my main parts are my thighs, hips and stomach i really want to be in small dress sizes but can't without losing inches... its driving me insane but im not giving up!! No way that's not in my goal plan lol

    We are in the same boat. I've lost almost 20 lbs but have only seen one inch off my arm, one inch off my waist and maybe 1/2 inch off my thighs. It's been since November now and that is all with the inches.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    30 Day Shred did it for me. I lost 2 inches in 5 day.s Around 5 inches in 4 weeks off my waist. 2 or so inches off thighs, hips etc.. I have heard that mixing up your routine (exercise) is much better at getting the inches off than doing massive repeats of the same exercise. Instead of spending too long on the elliptical I would maybe alternate with another exercise :) You are doing great on your exercise, you will get there! Sounds like you are in good shape!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    30 Day Shred did it for me. I lost 2 inches in 5 day.s Around 5 inches in 4 weeks off my waist. 2 or so inches off thighs, hips etc.. I have heard that mixing up your routine (exercise) is much better at getting the inches off than doing massive repeats of the same exercise. Instead of spending too long on the elliptical I would maybe alternate with another exercise :) You are doing great on your exercise, you will get there! Sounds like you are in good shape!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I did biggest loser cardio max yesterday and then today will push to do my elliptical for a hour and then tomorrow do biggest loser again and sunday im planning on doing my Wii fit i love the hula hoop workout and the crazy thing is you can lose so much weight by doing the Hula hoop lol..... So im hoping if i change it up every other day my body will start losing some inches...
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I looked at your pics, and unless those are old pics I just don't see how you're going to lose tons and tons of "inches",,,

    I've lost 12 inches off of my waist (really, I was 46" around my belly - now 34"),,, and how was I able to do this? BECAUSE I HAD AN ENORMOUS FLABBY BELLY!!! :bigsmile:

    You're already pretty trim. You're going to lose some weight and get stronger and leaner and firmer,,, but I don't see how you're gonna lose a lot of inches - you just don't have 'em to lose. Just work that shred and watch them cal's,,, it's all good.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Exercise is only 20% of weight loss. What you eat is 80%. If you eat like a bird I PROMISE those inches will come off fast :)

    It's funny, I use that saying alot...."Eat like a bird".

    hollandlop: It means to eat very small portions periodically throughout the day and of course as nature as possible.

    The inches will come off, I saw a big drop of inches when I started to change my workout routine daily. I never do the same workout twice in one week. And if your like most woman, we want to see the inches come off in our mid-section, right? Then I suggest 500-600 situps or crunches daily. You can spread them out throughout the day. Try 100 every morning, late morning, afternoon, late afternoon, evening, and right before bed. Change it up by doing side crunches to get those love handles. Hang in there, you're doing great!

    Crunches will build the muscle underneath, but they won't burn off the fat. And that muscle is not large enough to be a big calorie burner. Yep - tone with core strenghtening work but cardio and weights will burn the fat. A lot if it is genetic - we won't all have an hourglass figure! You gotta work with what nature gives you to optimize it, but you still can only do so much!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    You need to strength train (weight training, pilates, yoga, resistance band, etc) to change the shape of your body, become defined and to tone. You will see your body change and the inches fall off if you incorporate strength training with eating a good diet and cardio. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I hate my thighs and want them 5 inches smaller and i want my waist and hips 5 inches smaller also... I have a goal dress size and no matter how much weight i lose i'll never fit in a size 3/5 again if my "mama" hips and thighs don't slim down So i just want a workout that will help tone and shape my body so it loses inches...
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    You can't spot train... But, if you eat right, do cardio, weight train and work those abs, you will see the results you are after. =) Running has done wonders for making my hips more narrow and less mama-like.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I can't run due to bad knee's that's why i bought a elliptical so i can at least do that...Im not giving up until i reach my goal but i was hoping someone was doing a workout that was showing great results in losing inches
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    you're on the right track!
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