
I got up this morning and wanted to walk, because I haven't walked in the past two days because it has been cold, and I have asthma, so it isn't really good. Well, it might be good, I just don't like my lungs to burn. And I didn't walk this morning, so I decided to exercise in the house. Man, I couldn't even finish it. It hurt and it stung and I know that is how my body is supposed to feel, but I didn't like it. I feel like the biggest failure on earth. And yesterday, I didn't do to well on my eating. I mean I didn't go past my daily calories. But, since there isn't any food in the house and there is no money, I have to eat what I can unless I just starve myself. I am trying though. I have made it five days, and that is always the hardest time for me. I always give up after five days, but I am trying to make it past then.


  • kmjgrant
    kmjgrant Posts: 80
    I got up this morning and wanted to walk, because I haven't walked in the past two days because it has been cold, and I have asthma, so it isn't really good. Well, it might be good, I just don't like my lungs to burn. And I didn't walk this morning, so I decided to exercise in the house. Man, I couldn't even finish it. It hurt and it stung and I know that is how my body is supposed to feel, but I didn't like it. I feel like the biggest failure on earth. And yesterday, I didn't do to well on my eating. I mean I didn't go past my daily calories. But, since there isn't any food in the house and there is no money, I have to eat what I can unless I just starve myself. I am trying though. I have made it five days, and that is always the hardest time for me. I always give up after five days, but I am trying to make it past then.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Don't call yourself a failure sweetie.
    That's not going to help your situation and you know that's not true.
    You're just having a rough time right now and you'll get through it.
    You can eat whatever you have in the house but in moderation.
    Don't go overboard. You do what you gotta do... we've all gone through and still are.
    Don't give up!
    I have asthma too and believe me... all the hard work that you're doing right now will most definitely pay off. Your asthma will get alot better.

  • kmjgrant
    kmjgrant Posts: 80
    Thank-you. I just don't like to walk in the cold and then come back in the house and my lungs are burning. But, I will try to turn it around. Thanks for the wisdom and the advice.:flowerforyou:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    Hey - don't beat yourself up! This is a long journey and is full of little mini successes AND setbacks. That's how it goes. No more talk of "failure." You went inside and did a little bit of exercise - that's better than none at all!
    I also have asthma that occurs in cold weather so I suck on inhalers every day. I know it's hard, but spring is almost here (thank god).
    Please stay with it. You have a huge group of people (I mean, lots of people, not a group of huge people :laugh: ) here to help you along. If one day goes badly, then make the next go better.

    Good luck!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    You are not a failure. If you are having problems breathing it is something to seriously watch. Listen to your body. Keep trying to find things that work for you.

    I have been in your shoes more than once. If you are not able to exercise try to keep your eating in your limits. Focus on things you can do. Moving wether it is cleaning house, walking to the end of the block and back, parking away from a store and walking the extra little bit. Don't get discouraged. You can do this.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    You are very welcome.
    I try to not go outside when it's cold unless it's a must.
    I don't like that feeling either.

  • kmjgrant
    kmjgrant Posts: 80
    Thanks you guys. You all really helped. I'll take what everyone said to heart, and have that to try and help me. And thank God that Spring is almost here. this week here is supposed to be in the 60's. So yay!!!!!:love:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    By the way, I just read your post about eating only 1000 calories a day.
    Big NO-NO!
    Please read the post under "General Discussion" called "THE answers to THE questions." I just bumped it so it should be easy to find.
    You have to, have to, have to eat enough or you WILL stop losing weight and may start gaining.

    As a case in point - I've been on the 2 lbs/week plan for a while. It's worked great, but is a tad hard to maintain. (I just switched to 1 lb/week and am much happier.) For the past couple weeks I've been off the wagon, so to speak, and have been eating more than I should. However, I kept up my exercise the best I could (injured ligament; can't run) and have been too much of a weenie to get on the scale. To my surprise, I've lost 6/10 of a pound, despite a bout with fast food and other restaurants. Please just stick with it and please eat what MFP tells you to eat - it will NOT lead you astray, I promise. I never could have lost this weight on my own without MFP there to keep me on track and let me know that yes, it's ok to eat.
    Also - an important word on the asthma - I'm not your doctor but if you're not seeing one for it then please consider it. A couple years ago I finally listened to mine and went on a daily maintenance corticosteroid inhaler. Totally changed my life. Running is a breeze now, whereas before if I didn't have my albuterol inhaler I would have literally died while running. I know you said money is tight in your previous post but you know - lung function is incredibly important. (Especially if you're thinking of having a baby!) Please take care of yourself and keep us posted as to how you're doing! You CAN do it. We all can.
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    I have a chest infection and asthma so right now i cant do much and i darent go outside
    but i managed to lift my arms and legs a few times in the chair for 10 mins every so often
    i guess u have to work within ur limitations and not beat yourself up over it
    i think that we musnt feel we shd do what others do but work with ourself as we are all unique and individual
    hang in there it will be so worth it