What to eat on a hangover day?



  • jennybex
    jennybex Posts: 33 Member
    My go to, believe it or not, is Sushi (rolls). If you can stomach it, for some reason it always sets me straight.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    So... just being honest here. An old friend came into town last night and it's been a hangover kind of day. I don't drink like that all the time so all I've really had is Gatorade and water today because I've had no appetite... but feel better now. So, I have a two-part question:

    1. Do I need to log everything I drank last night? Obviously my Food Diary is going to be terrible today anyway, haha. No way to get around that.

    2. What do you recommend to eat healthy today? I was thinking soup would be a good start.

    Bonus points if anyone knows a good food/drink that helps when you're feeling like this! =]

    lol been there done that-yes to logging it all-keeps us honest- as much as you can remember anyway lol

    I find salty foods help some along with LOTS of water- baked fries with salt-special K chips-homemade chicken broth
  • LaurenRosePR
    LaurenRosePR Posts: 84 Member
    @CR01502 - I love salmon and avocados... yum!

    @JennyBex - I used to eat sushi on these days because after you get through the first part, it feels good to eat something colder and cleaner, to me anyway.

    Wow my appetite grew immensely through these posts. This is great feedback; I love it!

    Also anyone who wants to motivate/be motivated can add me. We'll need it when our schedules get busy I'm sure!
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    Last time I logged every drink when I went out and partied it was about 3500 calories and damn my head hurt the next day! LOL

    I always drink lots of water, munch bananas and eat some greens the next day. I also go for rehydration salts if i'm particularly rough. Later in the evening I will crave something nasty like a burger!

    I can almost guarantee if I have had a blow out drinking session, the next day also ends up as a calorie laden disaster. My view is I didn't get fat in a day so a couple of days off the wagon won't kill me.

    Hope you feel better! :)
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Eggs, I always crave them when hungover and they generally sort me out.
  • LaurenRosePR
    LaurenRosePR Posts: 84 Member
    I love eggs! I could eat scrambled eggs all day, haha!