Pass the Butter..Please (I had NO idea!!!)



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    MMMMM butter. I love making it in my Kitchenaide.

    I remember back in the day when butter was evil and margarine was good. Wonder how long this will last before someone "discovers" butter is evil.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I'm not sure if we just got trolled, or if a remedial chemistry class is in order.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    love butter, hate margarine, but...

    I hate margarine, too but

    Not everything on the internet is true. If you do not have a reliable source for a piece of information found on the internet, it is probably better (both for your personal outcome and your likelihood of being correct,) to assume that the "information" is false.

    Sounds like good advice...

    ...but I'm going to need to see some cites to research supporting this.

    I'm dating a French model...I met him on the internet.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Haven't most of the margarine brands reformulated in the past couple years to eliminate most of the trans fats? I still will choose butter over margarine, for other reasons, but I think the trans-fat hoopla is quickly becoming a non-issue since the FDA called them to task and required trans-fat inclusion on nutritional labels. (except for that pesky 0.5g/serving or less = 0 g rule).
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Pretty much everything is one molecule away from being anything else.

    Chemistry is EVIL! :)
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I keep trying to tell my parents this, but they won't listen. My mom still thinks avocados are bad for you!!
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    OMG wow thanks for info.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    love butter, hate margarine, but...

    I love Snopes!
    Seriously go read it. It won't let me copy paste. It debunks a lot of your fears. Especially the one about it being made to fatten turkeys.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Yep, it's like the same people who stopped eating eggs in the morning because of cholesterol, and replaced them with donuts and bagels. Stick to the basics! There is a reason our last generation is living longer than this one. It's called steak, eggs, butter and cast iron. Your grandma's probably knew it very well.

    Since when have the mortality rates been increasing overall? All I've seen is mortality decreasing, not increasing.
  • stargazer008
    I love butter:love:
    I just had some with butter:heart:
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Haven't most of the margarine brands reformulated in the past couple years to eliminate most of the trans fats? I still will choose butter over margarine, for other reasons, but I think the trans-fat hoopla is quickly becoming a non-issue since the FDA called them to task and required trans-fat inclusion on nutritional labels. (except for that pesky 0.5g/serving or less = 0 g rule).

    ALWAYS check the ingredients for "hydrogenated oils" and if you can't pronounce several ingredients on the list, it's best to stay away.
  • carolstartingover
    carolstartingover Posts: 83 Member
    I started buying butter now instead of margarine. Butter lite has the same calories as Margarine lite. And it tastes much better. So, I did start buying it. No going back now.
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    Plastics are composed of long molecules called polymers, while margarine is a blend of fats and water. There is no chemical similarity between the two.

    Substances are made of molecules, which in turn are composed of atoms joined together in a specific pattern.So, you could say that hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, is one atom away from water, H2O, but that's not such a helpful or meaningful comparison. That extra oxygen atom changes the properties of the substance dramatically. Stick your finger into a bottle of pure hydrogen peroxide and you will quickly experience the effect of that extra oxygen.

    Even if margarine had some chemical similarity to plastic, which it does not, its properties could still be dramatically different. Slight alterations in molecular structure can account for very significant changes in properties.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I've always stand with by butter over margarine if it has to be used. Always.
    Because at least I know whats in it.

    Rule of thumb*--
    If you can't pronounce an ingredient listed in your food, you probably shouldn't be eating it.

    * (Not the case of the rule that dictates the thickness of the stick that's allowed to beat women with)
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    I bet Morgan Freeman narrated that :wink:
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    Lol this is so funny. The person who wrote this clearly has not read any legitimate scientific research papers and is completely ignorant.

    Besides which, my cat got the margarine out of my fridge a couple of weeks ago and finished the whole tub. So don't you tell me it has no food appeal!
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I don't do fake butter and I don't do fake sugar, either. If I'm going to indulge, I'm going to have the really thing.
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    OXYGEN is TWO atoms away from WATER. If you breathe in water you die. So we should all stop breathing oxygen!!11!1
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Haven't most of the margarine brands reformulated in the past couple years to eliminate most of the trans fats? I still will choose butter over margarine, for other reasons, but I think the trans-fat hoopla is quickly becoming a non-issue since the FDA called them to task and required trans-fat inclusion on nutritional labels. (except for that pesky 0.5g/serving or less = 0 g rule).

    ALWAYS check the ingredients for "hydrogenated oils" and if you can't pronounce several ingredients on the list, it's best to stay away. edited while I was getting the reference- but, yeah, it's less than 0.5g is listed as "0 g". For more information on trans-fat labeling requirements, see page 51, specifically L45.
  • bipsqueen
    bipsqueen Posts: 57 Member
    I never eat margarine. Somethings are worth the calories and butter is one of them!