this is waaaay harder than I thought.



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Cooking is a huge advantage. It's just as easy to whip out a healthy menu as an unhealthy one. Get some new cookbooks.

    As far as beer, enjoy. As long as it fits into your calorie plan, no harm done. Maybe you'll have to put in an extra half hour of exercise for it, but it's totally worth it - right?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Hi Eric. Beer is a huge part of my weekends (I only like beer, no other alcohol). I've decided that beer is too big a part of my weekends and is a large contributing factor to my weight gain as I feel so happy and relaxed after a few beers that I "forget" about my long term goals of achieving health and weight loss. For me, I am giving up beer for now and maybe forever. There are other people who can drink beer/alcohol and count the calories and lose weight, but I need to break some life habits. Sandy

    I gave up vodka for that reason. (plus I was apparently doing things that I later didn't recall having done) But beer....I can drink one or two and stick to that. I gave up beer for about 6 months though, at the same time I gave up the vodka. After a long time of not drinking it, I found my tolerance had lowered, so ever since, I will buy just one 24 ounce beer for the evening, and I only do that once a month or so.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Being a good cook is your first advantage. You just need to find some good healthy recipes and train yourself to enjoy the flavors of fresh fruits and veges instead of sugars and fats. It not as hard as it sounds, I've done just that over the past few weeks.
    Being a stay at home dad is your second, assuming it means you are in control of the weekly grocery shop.

    To save myself from repetition and becoming a bore, I'll point you toward another post where I laid out how I changed my lifestyle. Everyone's different though, so I'm not saying it will work for you, just that it did for me.
  • Ericsawicki
    Ericsawicki Posts: 75 Member
    that's not a bad idea. I'm a home brewer too, but I don't have the space for a pub, which is probably a good thing for now.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I have been drinking beer along my journey because I love it (and wine) and while I do think it has slowed me down a bit, it is still possible. I don't have it every day, nor do I have six at a time, but one or two once a week is acceptable. Keep it within my calories and macros.

    This is totally possible!!
  • Ericsawicki
    Ericsawicki Posts: 75 Member
    thank you all for your responses and encouragement!!! It is getting easier, I've just had to change my mind-set while shopping and eating. I am "earning" my rewards and if I don't earn them, I don't get them. Thank you all again and GOOD LUCK!!!
  • threeonethree
    threeonethree Posts: 182 Member
    I was the exact same way man. It's HARD to get going. Period.

    But once you get on track and starting feeling results its awesome. Especially for your family. Sounds like you are getting committed. Good luck!