Why you gain when starting a new workout!



  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    Bump... to read later.
  • lynnvb7
    Thanks so much for this info. I have been exercising for 3 weeks (about 6 days a week, minimum of 1 hr/day) and was trying to follow weight watchers on my own. Sadly, I did weigh in this morning at the gym and I have gained 3 lbs and have yet been able to loose them. I asked my trainer and she suggested I count calores to see if I am eating enough. I am hoping this is the way for me to go and loose weight.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
  • Snubbleup
    Snubbleup Posts: 66
  • ShellHubbard
  • NikMosch
    NikMosch Posts: 40 Member
    This was a great post to come across after the scale showed a four pound jump from yesterday morning! But, guess what? I ran a half marathon yesterday!!!!! So, no need to panic :)
  • deedermooney
    deedermooney Posts: 9 Member
    Great information. Thanks for posting!
  • joielukes
    Thank You for this! I needed to read this Two weeks ago, I was one of those people who gained with Chalean..4 lbs and was very upset. I was reminded that I did the same thing last year and I am glad I pushed through and didn't quit...the weight(fat) is coming off and I am starting to see great changes. You have got to Will it to happen....one pound at a time, one day at a time, one month at a time. Thanks Chalean!
  • Manysongs
    Manysongs Posts: 137
    Thank you. This is exactly what I needed to hear. I've just started working out with a personal trainer, 3 sessions so far. I have kept to my diet and still no loss...in fact only 1 lb in the last few weeks. I haven't lost but gained 2 lbs since my new workout plan and I was beginning to feel discouraged & frustrated. I am working HARD!! lol This helped put things in perspective for me. So thanks. :)
  • MovesLikePuma
    Thanks! This is very helpful in understanding the water retention, etc with starting a new program. I just started resistance training about a week and a half ago and during the first week gained over 4 pounds. As of this morning, I did start seeing a drop this morning, so hopefully in the next day or so the rest will be gone as well.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    Wow thanks for that! I'm currently on week 3 of P90X and was starting to get annoyed that I lost 1lb and then gained 3 more! I have been feeling sore the last two days. I hope once my muscles heal up that "weight" will come off.
  • katetaylor999
    katetaylor999 Posts: 54 Member
    Invaluable info - cheers
  • micdaisy
    micdaisy Posts: 3 Member
    thanks so much for the article it makes sense now.
  • marckilgore
    Yes, muscle tissue can also perform Glycogenesis (changing glycogen to glucose). But I would say the liver is much more important. Adding muscle is not going to make up for a fatty liver or making your liver work on detoxing you from cocktails instead of fat metabolism.
  • koumbay
    koumbay Posts: 78 Member
    this explains a LOT for me!! I've been exercising every single day since I started in January, but each month I start a new exercise routine and I was getting very discouraged at the scale because I've noticed I will stay the same or gain or go down only 0.2-0.4 of a pound for like 2 or 3 weeks and then boom I will have one really great weight loss in a week. Now I get it, my body was probably getting used to the new exercise, then I have the huge drop and then I'm changing my exercise routine so I have that same problem all over again. Either way, I'm doing well and need to continue but was getting discouraged by what the scale was doing, but this helps me out alot!! thanks for posting.
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    Very informative.
    Just what I needed to hear right now. :happy:
  • chamgiggz
    BUMP!!!..Since I just "gained" 2 lbs since starting JM programs..we shall see
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Thank you for this! I started the 30 Day Shred a little over a week ago and the scale has gone up about 3 pounds and I've been trying to figure out where I'm going wrong. Hopefully I see that number go down again soon!
  • oker673
    oker673 Posts: 139 Member
    Very informative. Thank you
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,012 Member
    thanks for sharing. I have been doing the 30 day shred on day 24 and the scale has gone up a couple pounds. i was getting very discouraged. now i know i just need to be patient