aww nuts!

ok so I have been working out pretty hard for the last two weeks and am happy with the results I am seeing...10 pounds in 2 weeks woot!! But i have been doing alot more weight training than I have ever done (which i think it helping me drop so quickly) but i have been reading and alot of ppl say that you should eat right after a workout....I workout during "naptime" so about 30-45 min after lunch so I dont eat after a workout.....will this slow down my progress or does it matter when you eat? thank you!


  • thohan99
    thohan99 Posts: 20 Member
    As I understand it, ideally you will eat or, better yet, drink, some proteins and carbs right after working out so your body can utilize them to build up that muscle. It's more important for muscle building. Protein shakes are good if you don't mind buying some. I have this before I work out (because my job provides it for free): It's a whey protein powder you mix with water. Of the various liquid protein sources out there, it's probably the least nasty-tasting. It's actually not bad. I prefer the vanilla, everyone else here seems to prefer the chocolate.

    And no, I don't work for EAS (not that there's anyway to prove that, you'll just have to trust me, or not as is your choice). The liquids are absorbed faster, that's why these liquid supplements are nice. Either that or have a tall cool meatshake, but I don't recommend it.
  • thohan99
    thohan99 Posts: 20 Member
    10 lbs in 2 weeks is fantastic, by the way. Keep it up!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    speaking of your thread title... EAT SOME NUTS! Costco & Target both have wonderful, sodium free nut mixes that I highly recommend! It's a real treat (and this is coming from someone who despised anything nut related but peanut butter 6 months ago!)
  • beautifulnow
    thank you both!! i will try the protein shake...I hate nuts....well not that way...:s
  • locasciojade
    yess! you must eat after to rebuild the muscle, which will tone you much faster, and youll feel stronger and more able to blast through workouts.EAT EAT EAT- or drink lol its much easier to drink the protein cause then u dont add to all ur other calories and such for the day- the nurtitional value on EAS is phenomenal.