Emotional Eating

Why is it whenever I feel a bit rubbish or my diet seems to be going well, I have the urge to creep into the kitchen and ruin everything? Is there anyone else out there that can relate? I can't sleep at the moment and all I can think about doing to pass the time is go and raid the fridge. Thankfully this website is keeping me sane. :indifferent:


  • resan224
    resan224 Posts: 30 Member
    When I'm bored I like to snack too....try keeping cut up celery and pretzels in the house. Also bottled water or filtered water all ready for you to drink! The crunchy snacks will ease your cravings and keep you busy for a little while and the water will help you feel full! Just a suggestion....it helps me.
  • biolicious
    To answer the questions (in order): Habit and/or motivation-issues. Yes.

    I recommend "The emotional eater's book of inspiration" by Danowski. I got it from my library fo free. Win.