*waving* hello introducing myself hoping to gain support



  • alesnie
    alesnie Posts: 97 Member
    You can add me too!
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Don't know what I did per se to stick to it. Just got really determined and focused. You can check out my group on Facebook if you want facebook.com/motivatormandy and feel free to friend me here :)
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Feel free to add me as a MFP buddy. Bad health, being out of breath walking up one flight of stairs and a photo that I was ashamed of was the breaking point. What helps me stay on track is the friendship and the knowledge that if I go back I will be on medications for the rest of my life. Welcome to MFP, it's an eye opening experience. Not a diet, but a lifestyle! Good luck!
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Hey Carmen - sending you a friend request :flowerforyou: You can do this!
  • LnZ515
    LnZ515 Posts: 2
    Hi Christian!
    I too am new at this online weight loss thing but definitely not a stranger to trying to lose weight. I've always been on the "heavier" side but I'm recently engaged and my bridesmaids and I have all decided we're fed up hating our bodies so we're all getting healthier (I hate the word "dieting") together. I've learned over my previous attempts that support is the biggest thing so getting as many people as you can to support and push you, is a big key!! Good luck! We'll all do this together and make 2013 a healthier and amazing year!!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    New Years is the day in the year when people realise they want to make a change, and weight is one of the most commom resolutions. However, wanting to change and actuallly changing are 2 different things completely. I wanted to change for a very long time, but what triggered that action was when my friend asked me to be a bridesmaid for her wedding in Jamaica! I did NOT want to be the "fat bridesmaid" in all the bathing suit photos! Shortly afterwards however she found out she was pregnant so Jamaica was cancelled and instead she got married in November (my profile pic). However, the motivation just stuck.

    I changed, I saw results I liked, and therefore I kept putting in the effort :) No fad diets. Just made changes to my habits and the weight came off. This site CAN work. This site HAS worked for many people, you just need to put in the effort and you will see results! :) (Note: I did not see scale results the first 3 weeks on MFP, but afterwards... plenty).

    Keys to success here: (1) log in everyday. (2) log everything you eat! (3) EAT, but eat healthy (don't starve! Seen some people try to survive off of 700 calories, not going to happen, you will get sick, dizzy, migraines, etc). (4) excercise when you can (5) don't get discouraged by the scale, instead focus on positives and NSV (non scale victories). (6) don't stress when you mess up a meal or a day, instead try to make it up with extra excercise, or simply move on and make tomorrow even better :)

    Friend request me if you would like :)
  • FootsoreRambler
    FootsoreRambler Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too. I agree, support can make all the difference. Here's to making healthy changes that we can live with!
  • aidensanma
    aidensanma Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome Carmen,
    Feel free to add me :)
  • aidensanma
    aidensanma Posts: 36 Member
    Oops, I mean Christian :)
  • Rusureyet
    Rusureyet Posts: 6 Member
    Hi my name is Nita and I am new to this and can use some support from others who are trying to lose weight also. I have been having problems with my leg and not able to walk or cycle for six months. Now I can start again but my legs muscles are weak and hard to do much. I am trying to begin by walking on level ground short distances and build up to longer distances, hills and cycling. I have again 15 pounds and have not been able to lose it. I am depressed about my decline and need support to encourage me to not give up. I can do this!
  • danalalevee
    Howdy! Semi-newby here. I've never used the boards! Feel free to add me if you'd like more fitness friends. Much luck to everyone :)
  • Nursey318
    Nursey318 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi. My name is Viv, also a newbie. Just starting to infuse some activity into what was a very sedimentary life. Thirty pounds to lose. I have my sights set on April because I would love to get into my Spring wardrobe again. I have sulked, screamed and cried all in the name of weight loss. Enough of that and ready to do this! Feel free to add me.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    Hello Christina it is nice to meet you. I currently weigh 186 pounds. I weighed 250 pounds when I began my journey in 1996. I would love to support you and anyone else here is welcome to add me
  • bearsgal9
    Welcome newbies!! First step is taking action and you are doing that so YAY!! Feel free to add me if you want! :) - Really liking this community and that it is making me accountable for what I eat and my excercise.
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    I decided it was time to do something. I was heavier than ever, my clothes didn't fit. What finally did it was booking the holiday of a lifetime to Mexico in April this year. I just couldn't buy a new wardrobe, I have lovely clothes which just don't fit anymore. I want to go on holiday, a lot lighter.i want to look at my holiday pics and smile, not cringe x
  • GlynisTM
    Hi There
    I am pretty new to this site as well. Due to health reason (I am 50+) in October 09 my Dr. came down pretty hard on me because of my weight, and it was causing a few issues. Went home and started and lost over 80lbs. The past year I have been in "maintain mode" and I am using this site in conjuntion with my FitBit. I find using a large database to track food is really the only way to lose weight, as when I started I was doing it the "old school way" and journaling every drop of food I ate. But having my fitbit to wear, and keeping track of my food here has been wonderful. I have struggled with my weight all my life, and have to face the reality that I just cannot eat whatever I want. So I am OK with that and do allow myself the occasional (once ever y 6 months) fast food burger and fries. Look into a FitBit, and this will not only encourage you to track your eating, but will also encourage you to become more active. My husband has hinted that I may get the Aria scale, that will also track my weight via WiFi.
    I workout almost every day for an hour, and this is in addition to my regular routine of working out in the yard, housework etc. Good Luck and if you have any question, you are always welcome to contact me!:flowerforyou:
  • LoveAlwaysAlisa
    LoveAlwaysAlisa Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome!...and good luck! This site is great for support and keeping track of everything from food intake and exercise. I love it. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    This web site really does work. Good luck to your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenixchichima
    I think its when the pain of continueing to be overweight exceeds the pain of changing diet & exercise & mental habits, and whatever causes that last overwhelming bit of pain is individiual

    and maybe thats it. you need to decide, which is worse; doing the work to change? or continuing to live the way we have all done that got us overweight & under healthy and under nourished? after all, not many of us got fat eating only healthy food.

    it is work & it is sometimes painful to take the extra time to plan good meals. change eating & shopping habits.and to take the time to increase our activity level. It can be painful to log what I eat and see how many calories it is. OMG! I ATE WHAT? well, I have, repeatedly, which is why at one point I was 90 lbs overweight.

    lots of great folks here. you can get support here, you can get answers here and knowledge here, you can be supportive, you can share your knowledge. We can all be accountable to each other & share the difficult trip & have lot of laughs along the way to make it easier. But we gotta eat less and exercise more. Good news, its less painful and soon it feels a lot better to be healthy than not healthy thank heavens for that. and theres lots of good company.

    anyone who wants some laughs, and to be held accountable & wiling to make me laught & make me accountale is welcome to friend request me!
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    You can do this, Christian!!! I have next to no will power and lost 52 pounds in a year! If I can do it, anyone can. Decide you want to change, and then every time you are faced with a choice, just make the right one.
