
Hi everyone, I am new to this site and would love to meet others for encouragment, to know I am not alone on this journey.

A bit about myself - my name is Kelly, I'm 28 and a single mum to 3 beautiful children aged 9,2 and 8mths. As well as doing this for myself, I am doing it for my children. I want to be able to chase after them and not lose my breathe after 5 seconds!

I have been having issues with my weight for the past 10 yrs and as my familyis complete, I am beginning the transformation from a frumpy mummy into a yummy mummy (hopefully) lol.

Add me if you want to. We all need encouragement in this journey.... know that someone is there for that gentle push when all we want to do is shove our faces into a massive box of KFC lol.

Thank you for taking the time to read

Kelly (new to this and in need of some serious motivation!)

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