Calories left...



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    never eat after 7pm!
    and never ever get wet
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    never eat after 7pm!

  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Eat if you're hungry.

    If you don't eat them, don't beat yourself up the next time you go over by a few calories. It's all about balance.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I just had 200 calories of ice cream.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    I've been having the same issue (net calories) and I struggle with not wanting to eat too close to bedtime but knowing that I am not doing my metabolism any good if I'm not eating the required number of daily calories (for me its 1200). I will keep trying, though!

    you need those 1200 calories. If you're eating less than that, you're not doing yourself any favors.

    Are we talking you should EAT at least 1200 or NET 1200? i have always been confused by this haha
  • katiefridley
    katiefridley Posts: 151 Member
    Never ever eat after 2.p.m! It's too close to bed time and your body counts EVERY minute meticulously to ensure you don't eat too close to bed time. Your body store every morsel eaten after 2.p.m right on your backside while you sleep!
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Eat if you're hungry, if you're not don't. I have literally over 700 calories left, it's 11:30 at night (and I count anything I eat for the day starting at 12 midnight even if I stay up past that) but I just had a snack because I was hungry and now I'm not hungry and I still have those calories left. It'll be okay because other days especially recently I've been closer to it and 1 day I was over.
    The calorie limit and goal is a general line, you might be under or overestimating some foods unless you weigh and measure everything exactly and are always logging the exact same brand that you're actually eating because every one is slightly different.
    If you're close I wouldn't worry about it.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Don't eat. I wouldn't recommend eating after 8 except maybe a little veggies.

    Um. Why?

    This is wive's tale that still circulates amongst the community that thinks they can lose weight from a pill. They think there are "tricks" like eating breakfast to boost your metabolism.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Never ever eat after 2.p.m! It's too close to bed time and your body counts EVERY minute meticulously to ensure you don't eat too close to bed time. Your body store every morsel eaten after 2.p.m right on your backside while you sleep!

    Really?? 2 pm? so what you don't eat dinner? that's so stupid. Eat small meals throughout the day, if you have calories left and are actually hungry (drink water first) no matter what time eat, just have something healthy and small. As long as you're not eating like right before bed your body will be working to work it off, if I go to bed at 2 am I should not go 12 hours without eating anything, that is how you slow down your metabolism
  • katiefridley
    katiefridley Posts: 151 Member
    Never ever eat after 2.p.m! It's too close to bed time and your body counts EVERY minute meticulously to ensure you don't eat too close to bed time. Your body store every morsel eaten after 2.p.m right on your backside while you sleep!

    Really?? 2 pm? so what you don't eat dinner? that's so stupid. Eat small meals throughout the day, if you have calories left and are actually hungry (drink water first) no matter what time eat, just have something healthy and small. As long as you're not eating like right before bed your body will be working to work it off, if I go to bed at 2 am I should not go 12 hours without eating anything, that is how you slow down your metabolism

    Guess you didn't catch the sarcasm...
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I've been having the same issue (net calories) and I struggle with not wanting to eat too close to bedtime but knowing that I am not doing my metabolism any good if I'm not eating the required number of daily calories (for me its 1200). I will keep trying, though!

    you need those 1200 calories. If you're eating less than that, you're not doing yourself any favors.

    Are we talking you should EAT at least 1200 or NET 1200? i have always been confused by this haha
    It's different for every person, but as a general rule, netting would be the go-to.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    If you don't eat them 100 calories before midnight you gonna go in starvation mode and YOU GONNA DIE
    Too extreme, it's more likely that she'll go catabolic and lose all her muscle mass by the time she wakes up.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Never ever eat after 2.p.m! It's too close to bed time and your body counts EVERY minute meticulously to ensure you don't eat too close to bed time. Your body store every morsel eaten after 2.p.m right on your backside while you sleep!

    Really?? 2 pm? so what you don't eat dinner? that's so stupid. Eat small meals throughout the day, if you have calories left and are actually hungry (drink water first) no matter what time eat, just have something healthy and small. As long as you're not eating like right before bed your body will be working to work it off, if I go to bed at 2 am I should not go 12 hours without eating anything, that is how you slow down your metabolism

    Guess you didn't catch the sarcasm...

    It's hard to when the forums have erupted with a gaggle of people full of genius bits of knowledge JUST like that. My sarcasm-o-meter pegged in the red earlier this week. It's just gonna get worse as it the new folks get here and ask simple questions.. only to be confronted with "well, so and so said I shouldn't eat after 7... another said 2" then we all get subpoenaed because someone starved themselves to death.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member

    Really?? 2 pm? so what you don't eat dinner? that's so stupid. Eat small meals throughout the day, if you have calories left and are actually hungry (drink water first) no matter what time eat, just have something healthy and small. As long as you're not eating like right before bed your body will be working to work it off, if I go to bed at 2 am I should not go 12 hours without eating anything, that is how you slow down your metabolism

    Still wrong.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    I've been having the same issue (net calories) and I struggle with not wanting to eat too close to bedtime but knowing that I am not doing my metabolism any good if I'm not eating the required number of daily calories (for me its 1200). I will keep trying, though!

    you need those 1200 calories. If you're eating less than that, you're not doing yourself any favors.

    Are we talking you should EAT at least 1200 or NET 1200? i have always been confused by this haha
    It's different for every person, but as a general rule, netting would be the go-to.

    Oh, ok, because I was under the impression you should never EAT less than 1200 calories so that is what I have been doing and then exercising about 400 or so calories per day so netting about 800 or a little more...too little?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I've been having the same issue (net calories) and I struggle with not wanting to eat too close to bedtime but knowing that I am not doing my metabolism any good if I'm not eating the required number of daily calories (for me its 1200). I will keep trying, though!

    you need those 1200 calories. If you're eating less than that, you're not doing yourself any favors.

    Are we talking you should EAT at least 1200 or NET 1200? i have always been confused by this haha
    It's different for every person, but as a general rule, netting would be the go-to.

    Oh, ok, because I was under the impression you should never EAT less than 1200 calories so that is what I have been doing and then exercising about 400 or so calories per day so netting about 800 or a little more...too little?

    that's adorable, your diary is open though. Try again.
  • There's a difference between eating at bedtime and eating after a certain time. My old work schedule had me working until 11pm or 12am at night. So my "normal" bedtime was between 1-2 am. It was perfectly fine to eat at midnight! My current schedule has me going to be around 10pm, so I'm not going to eat a meal at 9:30pm. It's all about moderation and it's based on YOUR schedule. The rule of thumb is to not eat within 2 hours of going to bed. So if you go to sleep at 10pm, try not to eat after 8pm. If you go to bed at 2am, try not to eat after midnight. It's that simple.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member

    Oh, ok, because I was under the impression you should never EAT less than 1200 calories so that is what I have been doing and then exercising about 400 or so calories per day so netting about 800 or a little more...too little?

    that's adorable, your diary is open though. Try again.
    Yeah it is... shes getting around 1200 (sometimes a little over) calories in daily. Try again.

    Edit: Quote boxes got out of control
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    Oh, ok, because I was under the impression you should never EAT less than 1200 calories so that is what I have been doing and then exercising about 400 or so calories per day so netting about 800 or a little more...too little?

    that's adorable, your diary is open though. Try again.
    Yeah it is... shes getting around 1200 (sometimes a little over) calories in daily. Try again.

    Edit: Quote boxes got out of control
    She's also been here since may, lost 104 lbs, and certainly doesn't need my advice on her diet. It was really leaning towards something that felt like yet another troll in the forum. Certainly, my apologies if that wasn't the case.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    <---- eats about 1500 calories between 6pm and 10pm.
    <----Just had a 470-calorie snack at 9:45 pm. Oh noez!!!!