Hey everyone! I have such an issue with breakfast, I never really know what to make. What do you all eat for breakfast that's healthy and good for you??


  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Check out my daily menu. It's open for viewing. I switch it up depending on how I feel, but mostly greek yogurt with Kashi granola and fruit, OR a spinach smoothie with fruit and protein powder, OR an omelette... all of these keep me full and going for a few hours.
  • kayla554
    kayla554 Posts: 99 Member
    Turkey bacon, 25 cals a slice
    Liquid egg whites 25 cals for 3 tablespoons
    Cinnamon apple oatmeal and sometimes I add blueberry or banana to it.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Yogurt, eggs, toast, bagels, mini-donuts, biscuits, etc.. I am not a cereal eater. When I have time, I like sausage and bacon in the morning too, but it needs to be cooked fresh.

    I also like oatmeal periodically.
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Normally eggs, toast, coffee. Sometimes oatmeal or cereal.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    1:2 ratio with water. Microwave for 2 - 3 minutes on high. From there I usually go one of two ways. Vanilla protein powder and cinnamon...maybe some crushed raw nuts on top, maybe not, but not too many since they're calorie dense. Or I will leave as is, throw on some fresh berries, a splash of heavy cream and some nuts.

    Same as above but you need to cook them on the stove. Preferably soak them overnight but they're excellent if you can find them. Sometimes they're at whole foods, sometimes not.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I eat oatmeal with blueberries almost every work day. It's fast and easy. I make eggs and bacon on the weekends. Sometimes we'll do a breakfast casserole with different veggies on the weekend to heat up during the week. I also on occasion eat dinner leftovers from the night before for breakfast.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    -nonfat greek yogurt (I like the Fage brand)
    -piece of whole grain toast with natural chunky peanutbutter (skippy brand)
    -liquid egg whites with veggies in an omlete (I make this for lunch a lot too, but will add cheese or something for a little more hearty meal)
    -healthy cereal (they make a quinoa cereal which is good)
    -also have black coffee and water, occasionally aloe juice
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I switch it up a lot, I get bored easily haha.
    Oatmeal with almond butter, egg whites omelette on a whole wheat croissant, cereal with vanilla soy milk or yogurt with fiber buds. Those are my go to breakfasts recently.
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Right now im broke, but when i do have money either an oatmeal pancake or green smoothie
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Oatmeal, English muffin with peanut butter, yogurt with bran buds, or homemade bran muffins are my go-to breakfasts.

    If I have time, I like turkey sausages or bacon, and if I really have time I make an English muffin with egg, cheese, and bacon :)
  • rrrayondesoleil
    Here are some of my favourite easy breakfasts:
    Microwave scrambled eggs with parmesan and salsa :)
    OATMEAL :) I use a mixed assortment of topping, including: honey, maple syrup, sliced bananas, natural peanut butter, flax seeds, cinnamon, unsweetened apple sauce, apple butter, almonds, walnuts, peanuts (not all at once, I mix and match!)
    Smoothies! I use berry blends, bananas, peanut butter, kale, parsley, and mixed organic baby greens (again mixed and matched)
    Plain greek yogurt, usually with honey, pomegranate arils, or maple syrup and walnuts.

    Sometimes I prep these things the night before so they are ready to go in the morning :)
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    it varies depending on my planned day...I like a 1 egg wrap with a slice of cheese and a tbs of salsa for the big days - a yogurt and toast for the weekends. I really just try to keep it around 300 calories.
  • rf1170
    rf1170 Posts: 180 Member
    I like to have leftovers, especially soup, because it requires so little work in the morning! One of my all-time favorites is egg drop soup, which I often make in the morning anyway. But I'm just as happy to have a bean soup, or a pureed vegetable one, or some other leftover meal if it's around. Today I had oatmeal (because I didn't have any soup in the fridge), and I often have an omelet because I raise chickens and have lots of eggs on hand. I'll share my egg drop soup recipe if you're interested - let me know if you try it!

    Egg Drop Soup
    1 1/2 cups chicken stock
    garlic, onion, fresh ginger, curry powder, or whatever other seasonings float your boat - I also add coconut oil, but if you're not into that, you won't miss it
    fresh veggies or mushrooms if you're into that (I love greens, like kale or collard)
    1 Tablespoon cornstarch or arrowroot powder, mixed in a little bit of water
    2 eggs, beaten

    Bring your stock to a boil along with your seasonings (and veggies if you're using them), then stir in the cornstarch slurry and let simmer until thickened and the veggies are cooked. While stirring the simmering soup with a fork, add the eggs in a slow stream. They'll cook immediately and break into little pieces. Season to taste with salt and pepper. This soup reheats really well, so if you make it for dinner one night, it'll be great the next day.


    Oh, and in case you're into omelets, here's my favorite variation: cook some thinly sliced onions and greens in some butter until soft. Beat two or three eggs with salt, pepper, and some kind of dairy product (if you want them to be extra delicious!) - I personally love sour cream, but milk, cream, or even cream cheese is good too. Add a little more butter to the pan if necessary, and then add the eggs. Lift and cook the omelet until it's done to your preference (I like mine to be soft and shiny inside, a little underdone), then add some alfalfa sprouts to one half. Fold the other half over as you turn it out onto a plate, and eat with some hot sauce or ketchup - so good! Even if you omit the dairy, the slightly undercooked eggs have a great creaminess to them, and of course the butter doesn't hurt either. :)

    I hope you get some fresh breakfast ideas - good luck!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    smoothie with pumpkin, ginger tea, banana protein powder, fiber one, pumpkin pie spice

    Breakfast burrito with scrambled eggs, salsa fresco, spinach,

    Overnight oats
  • DeMayr
    DeMayr Posts: 67
    Turkey bacon & eggs with American cheese.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Eggs/egg whites with vegetables and cheese. Sometimes rolled in half a sorj wrap, with half a sandwich thin covered in peanut butter banana and honey, an apple and a coffee with milk.

    I'm always hungriest at breakfast so I try to have a big meal
  • Kristen_nicole95
    Kristen_nicole95 Posts: 112 Member
    cereal and yoplait greek yogurt. Everyday (:
    Sometimes low fat waffles, 2 for 140 calories with the yogurt (100 cal) is 240
  • Tara106
    Tara106 Posts: 10
    Steel cut oats with blueberries, ground flax seed, and cinnamon. Egg whites scrambled with spinach, red onion, and tomato. You can make the steel cut oats ahead of time.....I make enough for four cup dry to four cups water with salt and boil for 12 minutes. I always add ground flax and spice, but also different things to change it up like blueberries, cranberries and apple, raw slivered almonds, etc. You get the picture!! :)
  • Dakryn
    Dakryn Posts: 155 Member
    I hate I usually have a protein shake and a small piece of fruit and then for lunch its usually egg whites, half a link of polish sausage, spinach, peppers, onion, mushrooms...any vegetable that i can throw into a quick omelet... usually lunch is my largest meal!!!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member

    Spinach and egg omlet (wilt raw spinach first then put two egg whites and one egg into a bowl, add salt and pepper and scramble) you can add cheese too.

    scrambled eggs

    turkey bacon

    sometimes whole grain waffles.... there is a world of possibilities, try go looking up some breakfast recipes.