Hello :)

I'm new here and definitely working on figuring out this site, but also trying to meet new people.

I've always been overweight. It's been bothering me since I can remember but once I lost my grandma, my uncle, and almost another uncle to heart problems (from being overweight), it started bugging me even more. I don't want to live to be only 50. Or 60. More like 70, and who knows, maybe 80. But at the rate I'm going, it's not going to happen and it needs to change. Now.

In 8th grade I got involved with the wrong crowd and one of my "friends" convinced me that if I only ate once a day I would lose tons of weight, fast. So being the uneducated, gullible person I was back then, I started only eating once a day. Sometimes only once every other day. I would weigh myself 5+ times a day and break down when I gained anything. When I finally snapped out of it and realized I was only harming myself, I went back to eating the way I was before and not only did I gain all the weight back, I gained even more.

*I would just like to add that I do NOT promote, suggest, or support eating disorders. I have one myself and would never wish one upon my worst enemy.*

Now being 18 and more educated on weight loss, I want to give this all I got. I have a severe binging disorder which I am learning about and trying to control more and more every day. I don't have a very supportive family or friends, so my only support right now is my boyfriend, which is a lot. I would like to meet people on here, hear your stories, share motivation and tips. In March I turn 19 and I know the older you get, the tougher it can be to lose weight. During my journey I won't weigh myself constantly. Probably once or twice a week. I don't want to go back to being scale obsessed.

I feel like the only thing keeping me from my goal is of course, me. I'm ready to change myself for me, nobody else. I've finally found my motivation. There will be no giving up this time.


  • persnikity
    persnikity Posts: 11 Member
    I'm new to this site, but not to dieting and working out... It never sticks. My record is 5 months. I've been overweight most of my life and it just keeps getting worse. I'm an emotional and mindless eater (I tend to eat more when I'm bored or upset). I'm also really picky, no veggies, little fruit, no sauces/condiments/spices. This makes staying motivated very hard. My family is all overweight but not to the extent I am, so while they're supportive it's more like "good job" than "lets do this together". I'm looking for some friends to do both. If your interested please feel free to friend me.

  • I love your attitude!
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    Good luck, you can do it! :-)
  • Goodluck ladies!! The fact that you logged on is the second step. The first was deciding to take your life into your own hands! It's not an easy task, but it's an obtainable one. There are a lot of supportive people here. Some not so supportive. You'll figure the ins and outs as you go along. Enjoy exploring the site, I did. I started January 2 and have logged on every day. I'm already eating healthier and I've started doing workouts. I wanted to quit the second day. Then I realized, I don't want to diet or lose weight. I want to live and be healthy. A lot of people here have the same goals. I wish you both the best of luck on this wonderful life journey. Remember, to get to the end you have to go THROUGH!! Don't quit. Push yourself. You are your biggest motivator. Get your head around it and your body will follow!! GOD BLESS!!