What to do ..wahhhh they hurt so bad.. I been to the gym 5 days out of 7. not sure if i want to go tomorrow since i will be waitressing all week ! i need a good remedy !:cry:


  • sportsqueen32
    My advise to you is to mix it up a little. Work upper body like Wii Active boxing or just a punching bag, and then legs another day, mid section another day. I find when I go on the treadmill too many days in a row then I can't walk either. Just a thought! I also have a job where I am on m y feet all shift long.
  • jawhwilson
    Ice them too and make sure you are wearing good shoes. If you haven't been exercizing long it should go away in about another week.
    take care :)
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's important not to overtrain. Rest days are needed because that's when your muscles repair themselves and get stronger. If you push it, you also risk injury.
  • kas1021
    stretch stretch stretch! heat and ice. repeat. repeat again. I had such terrible leg pain from running last year i ended up in physical therapy having the muscles and tendons in my shins being rearranged by the physical therapist..he would dig his fingers under my shins and literally push and pull the muscles. VERY painful. dont ever forget to stretch! haha i learned my lesson!
  • IrishKeLL
    Yikes Kas !! What a hard lesson to learn !! And thank you for your suggestions :) stay tunned !