Peanut Butter



  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    I wouldnt worry to much but perhaps just cut down on it. Nut butter is good and healthy as its natural fats and has good nutritional stats.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Honestly, I LOVE peanut butter. And guess what? I eat it almost every day. Here's why:

    1. I buy the completely natural and organic kind. This means no added hydrogenated oils (that's the reason PB gets a bad rap)
    2. The fats in it are GOOD fats. for 100 calories typically a tablespoon and typically 8 grams of fat, those fats are the same as almonds or other nuts. HEALTHY. Fat is not bad for you, and fat keeps you full. Trust me. I buy the unsalted kind and it tastes a bit odd at first because of the missing hydrogenated oils and added sugar (and I'm a VERY picky eater) but you get used to it super quick. I don't even notice a difference as long as I eat it on toast or with an apple, etc.
    3. Everything tastes good with it. I use it in smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, wraps, so many things. IIFYM, EAT IT!

    Unless you are allergic to it don't avoid it.

    I've heard people talking about PB2 but never looked into it. I heard someone on the forums claiming it was full of crappy stuff, but I don't know for sure as I've never even read the label.

    Food is your friend, and calories are not your enemy, nor is fat. Enjoy!
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    My PB addiction ended when my son was diagnosed with an anaphylactic peanut allergy.

    I don't recommend this method - and I still miss it :(
  • sonjalucia
    sonjalucia Posts: 120 Member
    I enjoy my PB off a spoon and I usually end up having 2-3 tbsps of it per day - no problems here!
  • jascat83
    Hiya, I'm new so please be gentle!
    I've been trying to eat a more healthy diet this year, which I'm managing. I'm trying to stick to around 1300 cals a day, but I'm not on any specific diet that doesn't let you eat certain things.
    My big problem is peanut butter. I know a small amount can be healthy, but I love it over seeded bread. I think if I could get away with it, I'd only eat that.
    I've checked my food stats, and I'm getting a lot of fat and calories there. I'm just wondering if anyone has some tips to help me cut down or find a way to still fix my craving for it without eating loads?

    I don't really like it with carrots or anything, just with banana, bread, or crackers.

    Thanks :)

    OMG! I love crunchy p/paste on multigrain bread too!! LOL!