Hello from Uk



  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    HelloDan, thats fair enough. Choosing a different sport etc is a different matter, just couldnt be doing with the claim that too old!!!

    The things I mentioned previously are my main reasons for no longer playing, but I think it doesn't help that my view of rugby is a bit warped. My gym is used by current England players. I'm pretty competitive in that I'm not really into the social level rugby, I'd rather play a bit more seriously, so through seeing these guys, I probably imagine the standard as a bit higher than it really is at the level I would play.
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    this is a very common misconception.... you wont BUILD muscle as you are on a calorie deifict.

    strength training burns fat... you want to get rid of the fat, lift things! HEAVY things!

    I work in an environment where i'm lift heavy things all the time. So would you think running 3 times a week and then weight training once a week is ok?

    Any idea's on how to get the best out of this would be great!

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    this is a very common misconception.... you wont BUILD muscle as you are on a calorie deifict.

    strength training burns fat... you want to get rid of the fat, lift things! HEAVY things!

    I work in an environment where i'm lift heavy things all the time. So would you think running 3 times a week and then weight training once a week is ok?

    Any idea's on how to get the best out of this would be great!


    i would go for 3 days full body strength training then one run a week and rugby training once a week.

    if you work lifting things then you need to lift heavier things outside of work! plus you will probably have a fair bit of muscle anyway if you have a physical job, so you may need to look at your diet more closely.

    plenty of protein, good carbs and fruit and veg.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    In my opinion, I would try and split it evenly between strength and running.

    However be efficient with strength training, and stick to compounds that can carry over to rugby movements, for example a big squat will help with a big drive in the scrum and when tackling, whereas a big bicep curl will equate to not much! Also depending on your level of strength training experience and knowledge, consider some form of explosive work also, whether this be something like power versions of classic lifts, or jumping.

    On the running, don't just plod away at a slow steady state, use intervals to mimic the flow of a rugby game, where you might be sprinting hard, then jogging to a position, then resting, then sprinting hard again.
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    Going to try and work out a meal plan for 1 week. Any tips on the best way to do this ? Many thanks for support already, it's amazing!!!

  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Going to try and work out a meal plan for 1 week. Any tips on the best way to do this ? Many thanks for support already, it's amazing!!!


    Whats your daily calorie goal?
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    Well i put all the information into the iPad on the MFP app and it worked out too 1910 per day.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Well i put all the information into the iPad on the MFP app and it worked out too 1910 per day.

    That seems pretty low for a big guy, especially if you have an active job too.

    Admittedly I'm not trying to lose weight, but for me to maintain is 2500, and you're taller and heavier than me, and don't spend as much time at a desk by the sounds of it.
  • hhpdn
    hhpdn Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Rhys and a very happy new year,
    I have found that using a high protein low carb style has been most successful for my loss program. I have lost 24 pounds since I started tracking on here in just a couple of months. I have found this MFP to be simply the best way to track and keep in control of my weight and I am delighted with the results. Once you get on a roll lol of loosing weight your discipline will kick in and you will start to feel brighter more positive and ore confident what better start to a new year can you ask for than that?

    Here if you need any support (we are all in this together)

    Best wishes to your girlfriend and have a great day

    H :smile:
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    I'm on 1490 a day, but I have intentionally set mine quite low in short term as this works for me.

    in terms of meal plans, i'd look at scrambled/poached eggs/omelettes for breakfast varied with the porridge you already eat.

    Lunch look at salads with chicken/tuna/turkey etc which should keep you in with your macros, but don't drop salad dressing as need some fats in diet.

    Evening meal, personally load up on green veg, spinach, brocolli etc, plus mushrooms, and have with grilled meat or fish. gnocchi with spinach and ricotta sauce and fresh spinach is a quick back up of mine, as is half spinach and ricotta pizza with salad.

    All about eating well/clean within your goals, but eating what fits for you, no point eating stuff you don't enjoy as this is meant to be a lifestyle change not a temporary diet.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Oh yeah and a big think is to make sure you are drinking a good amount of water, really does help.
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the kind wishes hhpdn.

    HelloDan, I do spend time at my desk but my work is carrying and lifting industrial sewing machines around. Also loading and unloading waggons too. By normal job is web designer/office manager.

    Think i should stick to it though. I used to eat total crap beginning of december.

    Now it's time for change...
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    @RosscoBoscko - one thing i've done is cut out alcohol all together. Not a big drinker but i'd have the odd beer/vodka here and there ha.

    I'm trying to drink atleast 5 pints a day of water. I'm not a great person with salad. Love my veg but need to start eating salad more.

    Today for lunch will be rice and beans with a yoghurt of some sort i think.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    is 1900cals to lose 2lb per week? if it is i would change it to lose 1lb, as it will be easier to stick to, and you will lose less muscle in the process.

    i eat about 2000 cals a day, if you want to friend me you can have a look at my diary?

    i have found i can pretty much fit whatever i want into that many calories, so you can have the odd treat, but not pizza and chocolate every day!!
  • rhysgerrard
    rhysgerrard Posts: 33 Member
    Yeah i set it to loose 2lbs a week. Should i change it down to 1lb a week? I think i'd be able to stick at 2lbs a week.

    Many thanks again! :)
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    I've sent you a friend request, I'm also friends with @RosscoBoscko

    I started on the Promax Diet and although it helped me I now agree with the poster that said it's over priced, I also think it has too much Caffeine in for me too. Do you have an GNC near you? Otherwise you can order online but I've just got the Phd Diet Whey from them at £19.99 for a 1kg bag (Belgian Chocolate is nice), once you gran their currently free Gold Card. Makes it half the price of Maximuslce products and closer to the cheap ones people advocate on here like myprotein.

    If you can get the FAGE greek yogurt and add your own flavouring (I add half tea spoon of honey) as it's the highest protein yogurt.

    On the water front I drink just over 2l, so you are on the right track. Key for me is don't do too low on the calories and try to eat more protein and less carbs, you'll still have plenty of energy for the Egg-Chasing as I run 100k a month on it
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    If you're not a big one for your normal salad, like boring lettuce, then i prefer having rocket, spinach and cress salad, far more flavour and can buy premixed from tesco etc. Or have stuff like bean salad (good protein wise), couscous with peppers sweetcorn etc mixed in or raw veg (peppers,carrots etc) and houmous, but your lunch sounds a good option anyway. its all just about planning it properly, and avoiding processed stuff where possible.

    alcohol wise, you don't necesarily have to cut it out completely if you enjoy the occasional drink, just account/plan for it within your daily goals. Having said that I gave up for 5 months last year, ans will be doing so for intermittent periods thoughout this year.
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    Yeah i set it to loose 2lbs a week. Should i change it down to 1lb a week? I think i'd be able to stick at 2lbs a week.

    Many thanks again! :)

    I did around 1,900 calories per day and I'm about the same height as you but you are starting from a higher weight than me (only by a stone), I now do more like 2,200 on an exercise day and 2,000 on a rest day and still lost 2 pounds this week.
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    alcohol wise, you don't necesarily have to cut it out completely if you enjoy the occasional drink, just account/plan for it within your daily goals. Having said that I gave up for 5 months last year, ans will be doing so for intermittent periods thoughout this year.

    Yep I do this too, some months I drink and just make sure I log it. You soon see what a killer it is to your calorie count! Then I have a few months off too. The reason I like MFP so much is you don't have to stop anything, just have to log it and deal with the counts
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Yep I do this too, some months I drink and just make sure I log it. You soon see what a killer it is to your calorie count! Then I have a few months off too. The reason I like MFP so much is you don't have to stop anything, just have to log it and deal with the counts

    Tell me about it!!! problem is when I drink I mean I drink, we're talking 5 pints is a quiet drink, 10 pints+ is a post game session, suddenly hit 5000 calories on a saturday and I realise why I got to the weight I was!!