hi new member

hi im a 29yo mother to a 7month old baby girl. im morbidly obese and need to lose about half my body weight.

im doing tony ferguson well trying to anyway.. but i keep breaking what i am suppose to do.

i have a soft spot for chocolate and hot chips and anything because sub conciously i believe i dont have a problem.

Im a food addict, an emotional eater and get angry when people challenge what im eating especially my husband, mum and sister.

im a control freak but cant control what i eat.

hope fully with some support from this site i can achieve my goals which are about getting healthy to be able to run after my daughter, go down the slide with her and live long enough to be a grandmother to my Shelby Bug little critters.

i wish all of you the best of luck on your journeys and i look forward to journeying with you.

Keep Smiling.



  • Elainethelucky
    Hi I am elaine and just recovering from breast cancer. I am having to take tablets which i am afraid are causing me to put on a bit of weight! Any support gratefully received.
  • stu236
    stu236 Posts: 44
    Hey felicity, feel free to add me if you like. I went into an emotional (comfort) eating downward spiral recently and regained
    nearly all I had previously lost. I also get really ad when people question what I eat, especially my know all Mother-in Law.

    Good luck to you also

  • Hi I am Sharon, and i have just joined. Been trying to lose weight since having my 2 girls in 2005 and 2007, was diagnosed with underactive thyriods and have been battling with my weight ever since, although i am on medication now to help, i stil cant lose weight and my BMI suggest i am obese, i dont really eat much fatty foods etc, i just like me food and so have joined my fitnesspal to help me with portion size etc as not one for going on diets or diet programs as would find it hard to do different meals for all the family, the nurse i saw when i went for my check up recently said "Its not what you eat its the potions sizes". So here goes, wish all new comers the best of luck.
  • Hi I am elaine and just recovering from breast cancer. I am having to take tablets which i am afraid are causing me to put on a bit of weight! Any support gratefully received.

    Hi Elaine, looks like you are a very stronge woman with what you have been through lately, and i am sure you will achieve your goal, good luck. I am new to all this myself so hoping it will work and i can keep motivated .
  • Elainethelucky
    Thank you for your support. I will of course support you too. Feeling positive, we can crack this!. Elaine