Hi from England!

I've been using this app for a while now but would love some support from others..I'm a 38 year mum of 2,work full time with kids.
I gave up smoking a little over a year ago but gained over 2 stone in weight..I have lost my first stone though I've put a couple of pounds back on over Christmas (damn Quality Street)..my goal at minute is to lose another stone by Easter then see how I feel from there..if anyone fancies adding me as a friend would be great.


  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    I know the problem with giving up smoking I took to Dairy Milk as a substatute for them and gain 10kg in 2 months!!! I am nearly back to what I was before but have a wobble every now and then regards to eating and it sets me back but I am far more healthy now than I was before.