CHEAP but healthy



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Here in the UK, all the things that used to be really cheap (tinned meat, tuna, sardines, beans, bread, etc.) are not cheap any more! I have found that frozen food can sometimes be a little cheaper than fresh. For instance, I found it cheaper to buy frozen berries and defrost them as needed rather than buy fresh.
  • tessangel7
    Frozen veg is often cheaper than fresh.

    And remember, frozen is often times healthier than regular grocery store produce. Flash frozen with all the nutrients unless you know the store just restocked.
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    unless i get a really good deal on produce i buy frozen, 1.00 a bag can get me up to for meals. I also stock up on meat sales, can sales and cheeses and freeze what i can
  • Not sure if you have an Aldi around you, but you could save some money by buying some items there.
  • maryloucash1961
    on Saturday,we go to the flea market and load up. we spend an average of 20.00, and have so much great veggies to experiment with yummy
  • suzan06
    suzan06 Posts: 218 Member
    Eat beans instead of meat! A vegetarian stew with lots of beans and frozen veggies is pretty cheap to make and will last multiple meals (or freeze some in individual portions for quick meals later on).

    We eat lots and lots of beans. We buy beans, rice, and oatmeal in 25 lb. bags bc we eat them all the time and save so much. They get stored on top of my kitchen cabinets (yes it looks ugly, lol) and then with a bag of frozen veggies added to beans and rice, and some spices, I always have something cheap I can make.
  • Mabelred
    Doesn't cost anymore to eat healthy than to buy junk.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Dry beans (black and garbonzo are my favorites)
    whole chickens (meat for eating, bones for making stock)
    frozen veg (on sale, stock up) I choose frozen for 2 reasons. They freeze right away after picking and they don't spoil
    Sweet potatoes
    Old fashioned oatmeal. ( 2 weeks of breakfasts for $2)
    Fruit on sale
    This week yogurt (it is "healthy food sale week in most stores) I usually won't buy yogurt with the fruit in it. BUT, they are $.39 and I have coupons
    Shrimp is also on sale at 3 of 5 stores here in the south. Don't know if it is "in season" But, 2.5 lbs for $6 is a great deal.

    Use coupons. Check for sales. I have brought my family of 3 food budget down from about $130 a week (not counting toiletries) to $70. The toiletries i get for almost nothing and I regularly donate to the local shelter because I get so much for nothing. and have lots of healthy food coupons. Good luck.
  • jsmith30030
    jsmith30030 Posts: 9 Member
  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    Buy fruits and veggies that are "in season"
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Maybe this will help you also! :)

    THIS was a great site! Thank you!
  • lp91413
    lp91413 Posts: 48 Member
    bump....we are on a tight budget since we are paying for our own wedding this fall, and I totally agree that eating healthy can be more expensive.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Frozen fruits and veggies can be less expensive, and generally taste just about as good in most recipes. I have started making recipes with tofu and/or beans instead of meat. Get those big containers of plain yogurt and mix in your own fresh/frozen fruit - cheaper than the little guys and super healthy.
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    Eating healthy should not be expensive. Just don't buy packaged "health foods." The best foods for you tend to be the simplest, you just need to do a little more prepping and cooking.

    Brown rice.
    Seasonal fruits and veggies
    Canned tuna
    Corn tortillas


    This is my grocery list for the most part lol!
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Oh yes - and SWEET POTATOES. You can get enough for an entire week for like $1-2, and there are a ton of ways to make them - pretty much anything you would do with a regular potato, but with more nutrients. I like to cube sweet potatoes and saute them with frozen veggies, then add an egg to make a hash.
  • sally414
    A great website to find budget friendly recipes:

    This is one of my faves, and I usually cut her recipes in half since I only have a 2 person household, so it's even less expensive!
  • pollyineedtobeskinny
    Get frozen veg, less effort and cheaper :-) you can store it for longer too. Lots of chicken, tuna, fish, potatoes, fruit..
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    The "diet" foods are expensive, for sure. Try to eat less packaged things, cook in big batches and freeze them, for instance a good healthy veggie chili is cheap to make, and hella nutritious. That way, if you're in a hurry, you can pull that out of the freezer, rather than one of those packaged diet frozen dinners. You can control the fat, sodium, etc.
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    Lots of great ideas and websites I can't wait to look at.
  • PaulineKK
    I find that you can buy a lot of spices and nuts at Indian (as in Asian Indian) stores usually for quite less than in regular supermarkets.

    Also, if you like things like Miso soup, which is supposed to be very healthy, check your other Asian stores.

    I know in rural areas this can be a challenge.