I am a type 2 diabetic

My dietitican suggested eating the brand Dreamfields Pasta because it only has 5 grams of absorable carbs per serving. I still get blood sugar spikes if I eat it. Any suggestions? I really love pasta and try to eat it no more than once every 2 months. Are the whole grain or whole wheat pastas less likely to cause spikes?


  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I'm type 2 as well and I do eat carbs but I counteract all that with weight lifting since it uses up our glycogen (carb stores) in our muscles. As for your question, well as much as I hate to break it to you but a pasta is a pasta regardless if its whole wheat or no. If you're having problems with white pasta then it won't make any difference with the whole wheat version unless you do something to counteract it.
  • 1lexisva
    1lexisva Posts: 978 Member
    You might want to post this under Nutrition they will help you out a lot more there :)
  • boropatty
    boropatty Posts: 3 Member