New and Looking for Some Fellow Travelers!

Hi everyone! I have only been at this 5 days and have already lost 3 lbs. I am so PUMPED about it! My wife is pregnant and I grew up in an overweight home. I know how the habits and physical condition of my parents spoke so much louder than their health "advice". I ate like they ate, not like they said I should eat. And now I look like they look. Not like they say I should look. lol! I do not want my daughter to grow up with a "fatty father". I want to be the greatest example to her in every way! 3 lbs down and 75 to go!

If anyone wants to be my friend on this journey please add me... Thanks!:bigsmile:


  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    Congrats on the upcoming arrival and wanting to change your family tree! This site is great and very uplifting and informational, to me at least!

    Add me if you need some extra encouragement along the way!
  • kbenny
    Hi everyone! I just got signed up today and I am excited about the jouney ahead! I have 5 kids 2 dogs, 1 husband and I work a full time job with juvenile deliquents! BUSY life but I love it. I have decided to make time for myself and lose the weight I have been wanting to loose. I look foward to making some great friends here!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Congratulations on your addition to your family!! :flowerforyou: Congratulations on wanting to be a great role model... :flowerforyou: That IS important (having grown up with depression era parents and a Mom that cooked for thrashers up until she couldn't cook anymore) to set a good example in all aspects of our lives for our children. :bigsmile: Good luck in your journey to your new and healthier lifestyle. :flowerforyou:
  • shules82
    shules82 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone!